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acoustics ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

acoustics anlamı
1) akustik
2) ses dağılımı
3) sesbilim
4) yankılanım

"acoustics" için örnek kullanımlar

Acoustics in the hall will also improve due to the new tiles, Young added.
Salonda Akustik de yeni çiniler nedeni artıracak, Genç ekledi.
Kaynak: ogemawherald.com
The band plays all kinds of music like Latin, acoustics, brass, tribal music form.
Grup hepsi Latince gibi müzik türleri, akustik, pirinç, aşiret müzik formu oynar.
Kaynak: fijitimes.com
For this role, we are seeking an individual with detailed understanding of acoustics.
Bu rol için, akustik ayrıntılı anlayış ile bireysel arıyorlar.
Kaynak: cambridgenetwork.co.uk
The room looks and feels like a Viennese salon, with big easy chairs and gorgeous acoustics.
Oda büyük rahat koltuklar ve muhteşem akustiği ile bir Viyana salonu gibi görünüyor ve hissediyor.
Kaynak: charlotteobserver.com
Musical acoustics , the branch of acoustics that studies the physics of music. Acoustic metamaterials , engineered materials with atypical
Kaynak: Acoustic
Architectural acoustics is the science of noise control within buildings. The first application of architectural acoustics was in the
Kaynak: Architectural acoustics
Musical acoustics or music acoustics is the branch of acoustics concerned with researching and describing the physics of music – how
Kaynak: Musical acoustics
Underwater acoustics is the study of the propagation of sound in water and the interaction of the mechanical wave s that constitute sound
Kaynak: Underwater acoustics
Solid linings are often used in classical guitars, while kerfed lining is most often found in steel string acoustics. Kerfed lining is
Kaynak: Guitar
See also: Piano acoustics Related lists. List of classical pianists (recorded) List of films about pianists List of piano brand names
Kaynak: Piano

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