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acronym ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

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acronym anlamı
1) baş harflerden oluşan sözcük

"acronym" için örnek kullanımlar

AC. It's an acronym supporters of Cuban travel use with little affection.
AC. Bu biraz sevgi ile Küba seyahat kullanımının bir kısaltma destekçileri bulunuyor.
Kaynak: tampabay.com
START is an acronym that stands for Serve, Thank, Ask, Receive, and Trust.
BAŞLAT bir gelsin, Ask, ederim, Serve açılımı kısaltma ve Güven.
Kaynak: forbes.com
The acronym in question is "GOAT", and it stands for "greatest of all time".
Söz kısaltması "KEÇİ", ve "tüm zamanların en büyük" için duruyor.
Kaynak: purplerow.com
Physician: Acronym veils real intent of controversial 'death panel'.
Hekim: Kısaltma peçe tartışmalı 'ölüm paneli' gerçek niyet.
Kaynak: onenewsnow.com
An acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial components in a phrase or a word. These components may be individual letters (as in
Kaynak: Acronym
A recursive acronym is an acronym that refers to itself in the expression for which it stands. The term was first used in print in April
Kaynak: Recursive acronym
A three-letter acronym, three-letter abbreviation, or TLA is an abbreviation , specifically an acronym, alphabetism, or initialism ,
Kaynak: Three-letter acronym
A bacronym or backronym is a phrase specially constructed so that an acronym fits an existing word. For example, NASA's "Combined
Kaynak: Backronym
Acronym Finder is an online database of abbreviation s (acronym s, initialism s, and otherwise) and their meanings. It includes over 900,
Kaynak: Acronym Finder
List of initialism s, acronym s ("words made from parts of other words, pronounceable"), and other abbreviations used by the government and
Kaynak: List of U.S. government and military acronyms
RAS syndrome (short for "redundant acronym syndrome syndrome"-), also known as PNS syndrome ("PIN number syndrome syndrome", which expands
Kaynak: RAS syndrome
This is a list of initials, acronym s, expressions, euphemism s, jargon , military slang , and sayings in common or formerly common use in
Kaynak: List of U.S. Air Force acronyms and expressions
Here, is a list of initialisms and acronym s used in laser physics , applications and technology. h H | j J | p P | q Q | z Z | center yes
Kaynak: Laser acronyms

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