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adipose ne demek?

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adipose anlamı
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"adipose" için örnek kullanımlar

That protein, called GPR120, is found in adipose and muscle tissues.
GPR120 denilen bu protein, yağ ve kas dokularında bulunur.
Kaynak: blogs.scientificamerican.com
So what about the steelhead in the river with adipose fins intact?
Yani bozulmamış adipoz yüzgeçleri ile nehirde steelhead ne?
Kaynak: bellinghamherald.com
Adipose tissue is the richest source of stem and regenerative cells in the body.
Adipoz dokusunda gövde, kök ve rejeneratif hücre zengin bir kaynaktır.
Kaynak: marketwatch.com
There's no way to talk around this, so… the Adipose are sentient balls of fat.
Böylece, bu etrafında konuşmak için hiçbir yolu yok ... Yağ yağ hissedebilir topları vardır.
Kaynak: io9.com
In biology, adipose tissue. (ˈ | æ | d | ɨ | ˌ | p | oʊ | s or body fat or just fat is loose connective tissue composed mostly of adipocyte
Kaynak: Adipose tissue
Adipocytes, also known as lipocytes and fat cells, are the cell s that primarily compose adipose tissue , specialized in storing energy
Kaynak: Adipocyte
Types: Adipose fin 140px Adipose fin of a trout. AnchAdipose. The adipose fin is a soft, fleshy fin found on the back behind the dorsal fin and
Kaynak: Fish fin
The adipose fin is a soft, fleshy fin found on the back behind the dorsal fin and just forward of the caudal fin. It is absent in many
Kaynak: Fish anatomy
Brown adipose tissue (BAT) or brown fat is one of two types of fat or adipose tissue (the other being white adipose tissue ) found in
Kaynak: Brown adipose tissue
White adipose tissue (WAT) or white fat is one of the two types of adipose tissue found in mammals. The other kind of adipose tissue is
Kaynak: White adipose tissue
An adipose eyelid is a transparent eyelid found in fish , that covers some or all of the eye They are most commonly found on deep sea
Kaynak: Adipose eyelid
The adipose capsule of kidney (or perinephric fat or perirenal fat) is a structure between the renal fascia and renal capsule , and may be
Kaynak: Adipose capsule of kidney
Adipose tissue macrophages (abbr. ATMs) comprise tissue resident macrophages present in adipose tissue . Adipose tissue apart from
Kaynak: Adipose tissue macrophages
An adipose tissue neoplasm is a neoplasm derived from adipose tissue . An example is lipoma . Category:Connective/soft tissue tumors and
Kaynak: Adipose tissue neoplasm
In cellular pathology , steatosis (also called fatty change, fatty degeneration or adipose degeneration) is the process describing the
Kaynak: Steatosis
it is actually a collection of adipose tissue s lying between the scapulae of rodentine mammals Composed of brown adipose and divided
Kaynak: Interscapular brown adipose tissue
Resistin also known as adipose tissue-specific secretory factor (ADSF) or C/EBP-epsilon-regulated myeloid-specific secreted cysteine-rich
Kaynak: Resistin
The renal capsule is a tough fibrous layer surrounding the kidney and covered in a thick layer of perinephric adipose tissue .
Kaynak: Renal capsule
author Mandard S | title The direct peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor target fasting-induced adipose factor (FIAF/PGAR/ANGPTL4) is
Kaynak: ANGPTL4

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