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adjustment ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

adjustment anlamı
1) ayar
2) ayarlama
3) düzeltme
4) alışma
5) uydurma
6) dispeç
7) halletme

"adjustment" için örnek kullanımlar

Lot line adjustment will put misplaced water tank on Lebanon Township property.
Lot hattı ayarı Lübnan Township mülkiyet yanlış su tankı koyacağız.
Kaynak: nj.com
I've read the manual three times, and it looks intimidating when it gets to valve adjustment.
Ben manuel üç kez okudum ve supap ayarı geldiginde, o korkutucu görünüyor.
Kaynak: motorcyclecruiser.com
Hellebuyck makes easy adjustment to NCAA hockey.
Hellebuyck NCAA hokeyi kolay ayarlama yapar.
Kaynak: hockeysfuture.com
Letter: Propose adjustment to Feinstein bill.
Mektubu: Feinstein fatura ayarlaması önerin.
Kaynak: columbian.com
Spinal adjustment and chiropractic adjustment are terms used by chiropractors to describe their approaches to spinal manipulation , as
Kaynak: Spinal adjustment
Many target sights have click adjustments, where a detent in the adjustment screws allows the sight to move the line of sight a certain
Kaynak: Iron sight
An adjustment disorder occurs when an individual is unable to adjust to or cope with a particular stressor, like a major life event.
Kaynak: Adjustment disorder
A fiscal adjustment is a reduction in the government primary budget deficit , and it can result from a reduction in government expenditures
Kaynak: Fiscal adjustment
Given a set of images depicting a number of 3D points from different viewpoints , bundle adjustment can be defined as the problem of
Kaynak: Bundle adjustment
In epidemiology and demography , age adjustment, also called age standardization, is a technique used to better allow populations to be
Kaynak: Age adjustment
An equitable adjustment, in government contracting , is a contract adjustment pursuant to a changes clause , to compensate the contractor
Kaynak: Equitable adjustment
In economics , the concept of quantity adjustment refers to one possible result of supply and demand disequilibrium in a market , either
Kaynak: Quantity adjustment
Price adjustment may refer to: Quantity adjustment , a concept in economics related to changes in price and quantity. Price adjustment
Kaynak: Price adjustment

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