adman at heart, he's never shy of an opinion or to throw it about with gusto.
Kalbinde bir reklâmcı, o bir görüş utangaç asla ya gusto ile ilgili atmak.
Kaynak: Hao was not the first
adman to dip his toe into showbiz.
Ama Hao showbiz içine onun ayak daldırma için ilk reklâmcı değildi.
Kaynak: first column featured former
adman Nigel Marsh, the author of Fat, Forty and Fired.
İlk sütun eski reklâmcı Nigel Marsh, Yağ yazarı, Kırk ve Yakıtlı özellikli.
Kaynak: spot is the creation of fabled GOP
adman Fred Davis, who formed the Better Way L.A.
Nokta Better Way LA oluşan efsanevi GOP reklâmcı Fred Davis, yaratılmasıdır
Kaynak: latimesblogs.latimes.comcatchphrase; both were developed by legendary
adman George Lois This claim is in some debate as George Lois has also been alleged to have
Kaynak: MaypoHe studied English Literature at St. Xavier's College in Mumbai Though he started his career following his father, as an
adman, he soon
Kaynak: Quasar PadamseeHis checkered past led TIME magazine to describe him as "an ex-illustrator, ex-cartoonist, ex-
adman, ex-editor, ex-playwright, ex-dope
Kaynak: Alexander King (author)AdForum was founded by Hervé de Clerck a French former
adman who held posts including Managing Director International of Havas
Kaynak: AdForumcom/galleycat/new_upcoming/swedish_
adman_has_good_news_of_great_joy_marketed_to_all_people_90716. asp | title Swedish
Adman Has Good News of
Kaynak: Illuminated World