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adornment ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

adornment anlamı
1) süsleme
2) süs
3) güzelleştirme
4) dekor
5) donatma

"adornment" için örnek kullanımlar

Long gone, the railway adornment of this handsome Georgian town in Dorset.
Uzun, Dorset bu yakışıklı Gürcü kasaba demiryolu süsleme gitti.
Kaynak: independent.co.uk
Objects of adornment have been a significant part of Latin American history.
Süsleme Nesneler Latin Amerika tarihinin önemli bir parçası olmuştur.
Kaynak: baltictimes.com
St. Clement said the beard is a saint's "natural and noble adornment."
St Clement sakallı bir aziz olduğunu söyledi "doğal ve asil süsleme."
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
At the visitation on Tuesday, I had never seen this type of adornment before.
Salı günü ziyaret, ben önce süsleme bu tür görmemişti.
Kaynak: nbclatino.com
An adornment is generally an accessory or ornament worn to enhance the beauty or status of the wearer. They are often worn to embellish,
Kaynak: Adornment
The ancient Egyptian Shuti, a two-feather adornment for crowns is part of a series of hieroglyphs for "crowns"; usage as a hieroglyph is
Kaynak: Shuti hieroglyph (two-feather adornment)
is a form of personal adornment , such as brooch es, ring s, necklace s, earring s, and bracelet s. items of personal adornment in that it
Kaynak: Jewellery
A novelty item is a small manufactured adornment, especially a personal adornment. Novelty item: Image:Noveltyitems. JPG | A fake gun that
Kaynak: Novelty item
Footwear refers to garment s worn on the feet , for fashion, protection against the environment, and adornment . Being barefoot is
Kaynak: Footwear
Eyewear consists of items and accessories worn on or over the eyes , for fashion or adornment, protection against the environment, and to
Kaynak: Eyewear
is a small piece of adornment, made of white and red yarn and worn from March 1 until around the end of March (or the first time an
Kaynak: Martenitsa
A Parament or Parement; (from Late Latin paramentum, adornment, parare, to prepare, equip), a term applied by ancient writers to the
Kaynak: Parament
The term hilya (Arabic حلية, plural ḥilan, ḥulan, meaning "adornment", "attribute", "description", "personal nature", or "appearance) or
Kaynak: Hilya
Protome (Greek προτομή) is an adornment on utensil s or works of art in the form of a frontal view of an animal head or bust of a human
Kaynak: Protome
Goyol (гоёл, decoration or adornment) is an annual fashion event held in Ulaanbaatar , Mongolia . It started in 1988 and the last 21st
Kaynak: Goyol Fashion Festival
Torc , personal adornment made from twisted metal. Torque , physical quantity. Truth or Consequences, New Mexico , a town. Traxxas TORC Series ,
Kaynak: Torc (disambiguation)
Artists may create jewelry for adornment, ceremonies, and display, or for sale or trade. adornment became an important element of Indian
Kaynak: Native American jewelry

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