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advocate ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

advocate anlamı
1) avukat
2) savunucu
3) taraftar
4) yandaş
1) savunmak
2) müdafaa etmek
3) desteklemek

"advocate" için örnek kullanımlar

Our View: Maine health care advocate goes to national stage.
Bizim Görünüm: Maine sağlık savunucusu ulusal aşamaya gider.
Kaynak: pressherald.com
She has been an advocate for just over a year and has assisted with two victim survivors.
O sadece bir yıl için bir savunucusu olmuştur ve iki kurban kurtulanlar ile yardımcı olmuştur.
Kaynak: bangordailynews.com
Advocate: Job discrimination plagues reservists.
Avukatı: İş ayrımcılık veba yedek.
Kaynak: marinecorpstimes.com
Editor's Note: Tanya Young Williams is a TV personality, celebrity spokeswoman for the National Domestic Violence Hotline and an advocate for victims of domestic violence.
Editörün Notu: Tanya Genç Williams televizyon kişiliği, Ulusal Aile İçi Şiddet Yardım Hattı için ünlü sözcüsü ve aile içi şiddet mağdurları için bir avukattır.
Kaynak: hlntv.com
An advocate is a type of professional lawyer in several different legal systems . These include Scotland , Belgium , South Africa , India
Kaynak: Advocate
The Faculty of Advocates is an independent body of lawyer s who have been admitted to practise as advocate s before the courts of Scotland
Kaynak: Faculty of Advocates
Essentially, barristers are the lawyers who represent litigants as their advocate before the courts of that jurisdiction . They speak in
Kaynak: Barrister
However, in academia there is a dispute between scholars that advocate moral relativism and scholars that advocate moral universalism .
Kaynak: Human rights
in the Holy Roman Empire was the German title of a reeve or advocate , an overlord (mostly of nobility ) exerting guardianship or
Kaynak: Vogt
In common parlance , a devil's advocate is someone who, given a certain argument , takes a position he or she does not necessarily agree
Kaynak: Devil's advocate
Solicitor advocate is the title used by a solicitor who is qualified to represent clients as an advocate in the higher courts in England
Kaynak: Solicitor advocate

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