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Aeolian ne demek?

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"Aeolian" için örnek kullanımlar

Some of the songs will be heard on Sunday when Oh Susanna returns to Aeolian Hall.
Oh Susanna Aeolian Hall döndüğünde şarkıların bazıları Pazar günü duyulacaktır.
Kaynak: lfpress.com
Step into Aeolian Hall Thursday night for a spotlight on Smith.
Smith bir spot için Aeolian Hall Perşembe gecesi adımınızı.
Kaynak: lfpress.com
Wherever the volume level actually stops, it may mean the roof at Aeolian Hall will jiggle
Ses seviyesi gerçekte nerede durursa, o Aeolian Hall çatı jiggle anlamına gelebilir
Kaynak: lfpress.com
Meanwhile, Canadian classical piano star Andre Laplante returns to London to play Aeolian Hall on May 30.
Bu arada, Kanada klasik piyano yıldızı Andre Laplante 30 Mayıs'ta Aeolian Hall oynamak için Londra'ya döner.
Kaynak: lfpress.com
Aeolian or Eolian may refer to: things related to Aeolus , the Greek God of wind or the patriarch of Greeks of Aeolia. Aeolian harp , a harp
Kaynak: Aeolian
Aeolian (or eolian or æolian) processes, in the study of geology and weather , pertain to wind activity and specifically to the wind's
Kaynak: Aeolian processes
The Aeolian mode is a musical mode or, in modern usage, a diatonic scale called the natural minor scale . The word "Aeolian" in the music
Kaynak: Aeolian mode
also Aeolian iː | ˈ | oʊ | l | i | ə | n, Lesbian or Lesbic dialect) is the set of dialect s of Ancient Greek spoken mainly in Boeotia
Kaynak: Aeolic Greek
Aeolian is an album by the German band The Ocean Collective released in March 2006. Aeolian is the second part of a two-CD project that
Kaynak: Aeolian (album)
Vocalion was founded in 1916 by the Aeolian Piano Company of New York City , which introduced a retail line of phonograph s at the same
Kaynak: Vocalion Records
the first Aeolus was a son of Hellen and eponym ous founder of the Aeolian race; the second was a son of Poseidon , who led a colony to
Kaynak: Aeolus
Minor , mostly along the coast, and also several offshore islands (particularly Lesbos ), where the Aeolian Greek city-states were located.
Kaynak: Aeolis
princeps Aeolium carmen ad Italos / deduxisse modos I was able to be the first to bring Aeolian song / to Italian measures. (trans.
Kaynak: Aeolic verse
The Aeolian Islands or Lipari Islands. (Isole Eolie, ˈiːzole eˈɔːlje | pron, Ìsuli Eoli are a volcanic archipelago in the Tyrrhenian Sea
Kaynak: Aeolian Islands
An Aeolian harp (æolian harp or wind harp) is a musical instrument that is played by the wind. It is named after Aeolus , the ancient
Kaynak: Aeolian harp
Aeolian Hall may refer to: Aeolian Hall (New York), a concert hall near Times Square in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. Aeolian Hall (London
Kaynak: Aeolian Hall
Aeolian Hall was a concert hall in midtown Manhattan in New York City , located on the third floor of 29-33 West 42nd Street (also 34
Kaynak: Aeolian Hall (New York)
The Aeolian Quartet was a highly reputed string quartet based in London (UK), with a long international touring history and presence, an
Kaynak: Aeolian Quartet
Aeolian Hall located at 135-137 New Bond Street, began life as the Grosvenor Gallery , being built by Sir Coutts Lindsay in 1876, an
Kaynak: Aeolian Hall, London
Aeolian harmony is harmony or chord progression created from chords of the Aeolian mode . Commonly known as the "natural minor " scale
Kaynak: Aeolian harmony

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