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aesthete ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

aesthete anlamı
1) estet
2) estet
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4) güzelliği en üstün değer sayan kimse

"aesthete" için örnek kullanımlar

Oh, how beautiful is the culinary kingdom in the home of a sworn aesthete!
Oh, yeminli estet ve evde mutfak krallık ne güzel!
Kaynak: haaretz.com
He didn't collect albums, and seldom paints himself as an aesthete.
O albüm toplamak ve nadiren bir estet olarak kendini boyar vermedi.
Kaynak: latimes.com
Isabell Beyel is a realist artist, but above all else an aesthete.
Isabell BEYEL ama her şeyin bir estet üstünde, realist bir sanatçı.
Kaynak: artmediaagency.com
The novels of Evelyn Waugh , who was a young participant of aesthete society at Oxford, describe the aesthetes mostly satirically, but
Kaynak: Aestheticism
Maria Carlota Costallat de Macedo Soares (1910 – September 25, 1967) was a Brazil ian aesthete who conceived and constructed the Flamengo
Kaynak: Lota de Macedo Soares
Gall Morel, O.S.B., was a poet, scholar, aesthete, and educationist, born at St. Gallen , Switzerland , on 24 March, 1803; died at the Abbey
Kaynak: Gall Morel
Colin Hercules Mackenzie, CMG (1898-1986), scholar, soldier, industrialist and aesthete, was a Special Operations Executive spymaster who
Kaynak: Colin Hercules Mackenzie
The Oxford Wits, a term coined later, were an identifiable group of literary and intellectual aesthete s and dandies , present as
Kaynak: Oxford Wits
Reginald Turner (writer) (1869-1938), author, aesthete and a member of the circle of Oscar Wilde. Reggie Turner (basketball), see 1989 NBA
Kaynak: Reginald Turner
Crop Rotation in Either/Or refers to the aesthete's need to keep life "interesting", to avoid both boredom and the need to face the
Kaynak: Either/Or
Aesthete: Baron de Redé was a committed aesthete . In 1949, he moved into the ground floor of the 17th century Hôtel Lambert on the Île
Kaynak: Alexis von Rosenberg, Baron de Redé
The primary sense organs of chitons are the subradula organ and a large number of unique organs called aesthete s. The aesthetes consist
Kaynak: Chiton
reinforced concrete, a bunker built with an aesthete's attention to detail, a building which is genuinely Brutalist in both senses of the term
Kaynak: Moore Street electricity substation
Robert Schumann sometimes known as Robert Alexander Schumann (8 June 1810 29 July 1856) was a German composer, aesthete and influential
Kaynak: Robert Schumann
reclusive aesthete and antihero who loathes 19th-century bourgeois society and tries to retreat into an ideal artistic world of his own creation.
Kaynak: À rebours

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