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aggrieved ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

aggrieved anlamı
1) mağdur
2) mazlum
3) dertli
4) haksızlığa uğramış
5) üzgün
6) incinmiş

"aggrieved" için örnek kullanımlar

Communities across Scotland will feel "deeply aggrieved", Mr Salmond said.
İskoçya karşısında Topluluklar "derin mağdur" hissedeceksiniz, Bay Salmond dedi.
Kaynak: dailyrecord.co.uk
Organisers offer to meet aggrieved residents over controversial 'cruise' night.
Organizatörler tartışmalı 'cruise' gece boyunca mağdur sakinleri karşılamak için sunuyoruz.
Kaynak: ulsterherald.com
It also means that across Scotland individual communities will feel deeply aggrieved.
Ayrıca İskoçya cemaatler karşısında derinden mağdur hissediyorum anlamına gelir.
Kaynak: scotsman.com
Video: Celtic aggrieved by Italian 'defending' at corners.
Video: Celtic İtalyan köşelerinde 'savunan' mağdur.
Kaynak: joe.ie
Rightful Resistance is a form of partially institutionalized popular contention against the state whereby aggrieved citizens seek to
Kaynak: Rightful resistance
However, an "aggrieved person" or "counselee" must consult with an EEO counselor prior to filing a complaint in order to resolve the
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The objective of the law of contracts with respect to damages is to put the aggrieved party in as good a position as the aggrieved party
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Intense feelings of resentment trigger the initial retribution , which causes the other party to feel equally aggrieved and vengeful .
Kaynak: Feud
On several occasions during the day judges asked the defendant to keep his statements brief, and some of the aggrieved through their
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PIL may be introduced in a court of law by the court itself (suo motu), rather than the aggrieved party or another third party.
Kaynak: Public-interest litigation (India)
This is sometimes taken to mean that justice involves seeking vengeance on behalf of the aggrieved party, or society as a whole.
Kaynak: Retributive justice
Appeals court decisions are subject to a petition by an aggrieved party for review by the Oregon Supreme Court. The petition must be made
Kaynak: Oregon Court of Appeals
elegiac couplet s and presented as though written by a selection of aggrieved hero ines of Greek and Roman mythology in address to their
Kaynak: Heroides
Academy Award and won a BAFTA in the category of Best Supporting Actress for her performance as the aggrieved wife of the film's main character.
Kaynak: Damage (1992 film)
Dalton later admitted feeling aggrieved about the fact that while he was meant to be nominally in charge of Freleng's former unit, he
Kaynak: Cal Dalton
However, by accepting the government's monetary offer, the aggrieved tribe abdicated any right to raise their claim again in the future,
Kaynak: Indian Claims Commission
One is the invasion of privacy, a tort based in common law allowing an aggrieved party to bring a lawsuit against an individual who
Kaynak: Privacy laws of the United States
The Scottish Rugby Union was still aggrieved at the situation caused by the Gould Affair and decided not to participate in a match
Kaynak: 1898 Home Nations Championship
The Qur'an also allows aggrieved parties to forfeit the right of qisas as an act of charity or in atonement for sins. Qisas is enforced
Kaynak: Qisas
Unfair prejudice in United Kingdom company law is a statutory form of action that may be brought by aggrieved shareholders against their
Kaynak: Unfair prejudice in United Kingdom company law
person who has been aggrieved is requesting the apology, expressing a grievance, or is threatening some form of retribution or retaliation .
Kaynak: Non-apology apology
It has been classified as a 'aggrieved minority' party, meaning that its primary purpose (similar to the National Party of Australia ) is
Kaynak: North Queensland Labor Party
The tale is a romantic legend of revenge in which the aggrieved husband intentionally infects himself with syphilis , which he passes to
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It also authorizes an individual aggrieved by a violation of this Act to obtain appropriate relief, including relief against a governmental
Kaynak: Freedom of Choice Act

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