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albumen ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

albumen anlamı
1) albümin
2) yumurta akı

"albumen" için örnek kullanımlar

Frith's photographs are by the albumen process.
Frith fotoğraflarının akı süreci vardır.
Kaynak: royalgazette.com
Egg white is the common name for the clear liquid (also called the albumen or the glair/glaire) contained within an egg . In chicken s it
Kaynak: Egg white
The albumen print, also called albumen silver print, was invented in 1850 by Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard , and was the first commercially
Kaynak: Albumen print
The albumins (formed from Latin: albumen "(egg) white; dried egg white") are a family of globular protein s, the most common of which is
Kaynak: Albumin
The Haugh unit is a measure of egg protein quality based on the height of its egg white (albumen The test was introduced by Raymond Haugh
Kaynak: Haugh unit
although first used by Louis Dodero It was usually made of an albumen print , which was a thin paper photograph mounted on a thicker paper card.
Kaynak: Carte de visite
It comprises approximately 13% of albumen (in contrast to ovalbumin , which comprises 54%). Biologically, conalbumin isolates and
Kaynak: Conalbumin
Ovotransferrin is a glycoprotein of egg white albumen. Transferrin s are iron binding proteins and acute phase reactant s of animal serum
Kaynak: Ovotransferrin
From an albumen photograph measuring 15.25" x 12.75" and dating to circa 1862 the class and presumably its instructors and leaders are
Kaynak: Yonkers Military Institute
An army lieutenant and cousin of Nicéphore Niépce , he first experimented in 1847 with negative s made with albumen on glass , a method
Kaynak: Abel Niepce de Saint-Victor
and reptile eggs consist of a protective eggshell , albumen (egg white ), and vitellus (egg yolk ), contained within various thin membranes.
Kaynak: Egg (food)
His studio generally produced sepia monochrome albumen print s that were hand-coloured and mounted on album leaves. These pages were
Kaynak: Adolfo Farsari
Collodion printing was typically done on albumen paper . The collodion process had other advantages, especially in comparison with the
Kaynak: Collodion process
Pierre Joseph Rossier (16 July 1829 – between 1883 and 1898) was a pioneering Swiss photographer whose albumen photograph s, which
Kaynak: Pierre Rossier
The egg yolk is suspended in the egg white (known alternatively as albumen or glair/glaire) by one or two spiral bands of tissue called
Kaynak: Egg yolk

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