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align ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

align anlamı
1) sıralamak
2) dizmek
3) sıraya koymak
4) dizilmek
5) hizaya sokmak
6) sıralanmak

"align" için örnek kullanımlar

Bristol County correctional officers' pay may align with the rest of the state.
Bristol İlçe ıslah subay maaş devletin geri kalanı ile uyum olabilir.
Kaynak: tauntongazette.com
tars align at L.A. Tennis Challenge. Wednesday, March 06, 2013 /by Jonathan Scott.
katranları LA Tenis Challenge hizalayın. Çarşamba, Mart 6, Jonathan Scott tarafından 2013 /.
Kaynak: tennis.com
Bristol County correctional officers' pay may be about to align with the rest of the state.
Bristol İlçe ıslah subay maaş devletin geri kalanı ile uyum konusunda olabilir.
Kaynak: heraldnews.com
The stars align at Stamford's Curtain Call theater.
Yıldızlı Stamford en Curtain Call tiyatroda hizalayın.
Kaynak: thehour.com
Image registration involves spatially target image to align with the reference image. Intensity-based methods compare intensity patterns
Kaynak: Image registration
justification') is the typographic alignment setting of text or image s within a column or "measure" to align along both the left and right margin .
Kaynak: Justification (typesetting)
Re-align EP (WTII Records (U.S.) / Scanner (EU), 2002)" "Stand Up " single (EU) (dependent , 2005)" "Stand Up " single (U.S.) (WTII
Kaynak: Stromkern
align"center" | Bronx | align"center" | 91.45% | align"center" | 339,169 | align"center" | 8.08% | align"center" | 29,965 | align"
Kaynak: United States presidential election in New York, 2012
align"center" | Adair | style"text-align:center;" | 47.5% | style"text-align:center;" | 1,924 | style"text-align:center;" | 50.8% |
Kaynak: United States presidential election in Iowa, 2008
align"center" | Adair | align"center" | 43.1% | align"center" | 1,844 | align"center" | 56.1% | align"center" | 2,402 | align"center" |
Kaynak: United States presidential election in Iowa, 2004
align"center" | Adams | align"center" | 36.5% | align"center" | 4,928 | align"center" | 62.2% | align"center" | 8,404 | align"center
Kaynak: United States presidential election in Indiana, 2008
align"center" | ABC@home | align"center" | 2006-11-21 | align"center" | Mathematical Institute of Leiden University , Kennislink |
Kaynak: List of distributed computing projects

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