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alternation ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

alternation anlamı
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2) birbirini izleme
3) değişimli olma

"alternation" için örnek kullanımlar

Luckily Providence created an awkward alternation through the centuries.
Neyse ki Providence yüzyıllar boyunca garip bir münavebe yarattı.
Kaynak: firstthings.com
When the alternation is too rapid, we get passages like the following.
Arda çok hızlı olduğunda, biz aşağıdaki gibi pasajlar olsun.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
Aylward said Treasury Board has also botched the alternation process.
Aylward Hazine Kurulu ayrıca arda süreci berbat söyledi.
Kaynak: ipolitics.ca
Alternation is weighted at 119 pounds, the top assignment among the nominations.
Nöbetleşme £ 119, aday arasında en üst atama ağırlıklıdır.
Kaynak: drf.com
In geometry, an alternation (also called partial truncation, snub or snubification) is an operation on a polyhedron or tiling that
Kaynak: Alternation (geometry)
In linguistics , an alternation is the phenomenon of a phoneme or morpheme exhibiting variation in its phonological realization.
Kaynak: Alternation (linguistics)
Alternation of generations (also known as alternation of phases or metagenesis) is a term primarily used to describe the life cycle of
Kaynak: Alternation of generations
In linguistics , apophony (also known as ablaut, gradation, alternation, internal modification, stem modification, stem alternation,
Kaynak: Apophony
In formal language theory and pattern matching , alternation is the union of two sets of strings or patterns. string alternation is a
Kaynak: Alternation (formal language theory)
In linguistics the term diathesis alternation or verb alternation refers to the fact that verbs can be used in different subcategorization
Kaynak: Diathesis alternation
Spontaneous alternation is a behavioral test which tests spatial learning and memory . This maze task has been extensively used in many
Kaynak: Spontaneous alternation
In linguistics , causative alternation is the phenomenon in which a verb has both a transitive (specifically causative ) and an
Kaynak: Causative alternation
In historical linguistics , the German term grammatischer Wechsel ("grammatical alternation") refers to the effects of Verner's law when
Kaynak: Grammatischer Wechsel
A gametophyte is the haploid , multicellular phase of plant s and algae that undergo alternation of generations , with each of its cells
Kaynak: Gametophyte
Lines where the colour phase is reversed compared to NTSC are often called PAL or phase-alternation lines, which justifies one of the
Kaynak: PAL
In music , hocket is the rhythmic linear technique using the alternation of notes , pitches , or chord s. that alternately one voice
Kaynak: Hocket

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