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ambience ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

ambience anlamı
1) orTam
2) hava
3) ambians
4) çevre

"ambience" için örnek kullanımlar

He hated the idea that people would put on the album for pure ambience.
O insanlar saf atmosfer için albüm koymak olacağını fikri nefret.
Kaynak: music.yahoo.com
Warm colors and recessed lighting mark Harvist's living room ambience.
Sıcak renkler ve gömme aydınlatma işareti Harvist oturma odasında bir atmosfer.
Kaynak: nydailynews.com
The deconstructed industrial ambience of the hangout gives the place an edge.
Mekân yapıbozuma endüstriyel atmosfer yerde bir kenar verir.
Kaynak: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
Aly's Favourite Things: Eight floor lamps to bring ambience and whimsey to your room.
Aly Favori Yerler: odanıza atmosfer ve kapris getirmek Sekiz zemin lambaları.
Kaynak: calgaryherald.com
In filmmaking , ambience (also known as atmosphere, atmos, or background) consists of the sounds of a given location or space It is the
Kaynak: Ambience (sound recording)
previously recorded audio program is played back and re-recorded at a later time for the purpose of adding effects, ambience, or modified tonality.
Kaynak: Re-amp
Noisy ambience as a general condition : In technical terms, operational environments are generally noisy. measuring that is not a friendly ambience.
Kaynak: Fuzzy locating system
Followed by Sunny Days and Mountain River , Dou Wei explored new frontiers in electronic and ambience. direction of ambience, folk and post-rock .
Kaynak: Dou Wei
musical themes, fantasy-like ambience and lyrics, and ample, very rich (sometimes defined by critics as "overblown") sounds and productions.
Kaynak: Progressive rock

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