Award winning photographer and triple
amputee Giles Duley returns to Afghanistan.
Ödül kazanan fotoğrafçı ve üçlü amputee Giles Duley Afganistan'a geri döner.
Kaynak: newstalk.ieNow he's the first
amputee firefighter ever in Ohio.
Şimdi o güne Ohio ilk ampute itfaiyeci.
Kaynak: abc6onyourside.comTriple
amputee Giles Duley on the explosion that changed his life and how love and work rebuilt it.
Üçlü amputee Giles hayatını değiştirdi patlamayla ilgili Duley ve nasıl sevdiğini ve onu yeniden çalışır.
Kaynak: radiotimes.comAmputee high school wrestler wins first match.
Ampute lise güreşçi ilk maçı kazandı.
Kaynak: The American
Amputee Hockey Association (AAHA) is a non-profit sports organization founded in 2000 to develop opportunities for
amputee and
Kaynak: American Amputee Hockey AssociationBody integrity identity disorder (BIID, also referred to as
amputee identity disorder) is a psychological disorder wherein sufferers feel
Kaynak: Body integrity identity disorderPaul Martin (born June 21, 1967) is an American
amputee athlete, Paralympian, speaker, and author. of the foremost
amputee triathletes in
Kaynak: Paul Martin (amputee athlete)