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anaesthesia ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

anaesthesia anlamı
1) anestezi
2) anestezi
3) uyuşturma
4) uyuşturma
5) uyuşma
6) uyuşma
7) duyu yitimi
8) duyu yitimi
9) hissizlik
10) duyumsuzlaşma
11) hissizlik
12) duyumsuzlaşma

"anaesthesia" için örnek kullanımlar

Would one seriously wish to have lived before the discovery of anaesthesia?
Biri ağır anestezi keşfinden önce yaşamış ister miydiniz?
Kaynak: spectator.co.uk
Was the pitch chloroformed with anaesthesia before the start?
Başlamadan önce anestezi ile kloroformla adım oldu mu?
Kaynak: mumbaimirror.com
An anaesthetist is a doctor who specialises in providing pain relief and anaesthesia.
Bir anestezist ağrı kesici ve anestezi sağlamada uzmanlaşmış bir doktor.
Kaynak: handbag.com
Anesthesia, or anaesthesia (from Greek grc | αν-, an-, "without"; and grc | αἴσθησις aisthēsis, "sensation traditionally meant the
Kaynak: Anesthesia
General anaesthesia (or general anesthesia) is a medically induced coma and loss of protective reflexes resulting from the administration
Kaynak: General anaesthesia
Regional anaesthesia (or regional anesthesia) is anaesthesia affecting a large part of the body, such as a limb or the lower half of the
Kaynak: Regional anaesthesia
Combined spinal and epidural anaesthesia (CSE) is a regional anaesthetic technique, which combines the benefits of both spinal anaesthesia
Kaynak: Combined spinal and epidural anaesthesia
Inferior alveolar nerve anaesthesia (also known as the inferior alveolar nerve block or IANB) is a technique for dental anaesthesia , used
Kaynak: Inferior alveolar nerve anaesthesia
Local anaesthesia is more preferred because it is economical, easy to perform and the risk involved is less. Local anaesthesia has a rapid
Kaynak: Anaesthesia for ocular surgery
Forms of dental anesthesia (or dental anaesthesia) is a spectrum of anesthesia that includes not only local anesthetics but sedation and
Kaynak: Dental anesthesia
The incidence of life-threatening hypersensitivity reaction s occurring during surgery and anaesthesia is around one in 10,000 procedures
Kaynak: Allergic reactions to anaesthesia
English) is used by anaesthesiologist s, nurse anaesthetist s, and anaesthesiologist assistant s to support the administration of anaesthesia .
Kaynak: Anaesthetic machine
The biggest risk factor is anaesthesia performed by unsupervised trainees and the use of a medication that induces muscle paralysis, such
Kaynak: Anesthesia awareness

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