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antacid ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

antacid anlamı
1) antiasit
2) mide ekşimesine karşı ilaç
1) antiasit
2) mide ekşimesine karşı

"antacid" için örnek kullanımlar

To prevent these problems, try taking NSAIDs at mealtimes or with an antacid.
Bu sorunları önlemek için, yemeklerde veya antiasit ile NSAID alarak deneyin.
Kaynak: chicagotribune.com
Earlier this year, Chattem announced it had bought antacid Rolaids from McNeil.
Bu yılın başlarında, Chattem bu McNeil adlı antiasit Rolaids satın alındığını duyurdu.
Kaynak: timesfreepress.com
Not to mention individuals: I had better go now, and take some antacid tablets.
Bireyler bahsetmiyorum: Gitsem iyi ve bazı antiasit tablet alsan.
Kaynak: businessspectator.com.au
An antacid is a substance which neutralizes stomach acidity . Mechanism of action: Antacids either directly neutralize acidity, increasing
Kaynak: Antacid
Alka-Seltzer is an effervescent antacid and pain reliever first marketed by the Dr. Miles Medicine Company . It was developed by Maurice
Kaynak: Alka-Seltzer
It is commonly used medicinally as a calcium supplement or as an antacid , but excessive consumption can be hazardous. Chemistry
Kaynak: Calcium carbonate
Maalox is a brand name antacid containing calcium carbonate to neutralize or reduce stomach acid . Maalox helps relieve symptoms of
Kaynak: Maalox
TUMS is an antacid made of sucrose (sugar) and calcium carbonate manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Kaynak: Tums
Rolaids was a brand of antacid produced by McNeil Consumer Healthcare , a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson . The brand was acquired from
Kaynak: Rolaids
Bromo-Seltzer (acetaminophen , sodium bicarbonate , and citric acid ), is an antacid used to relieve pain occurring together with
Kaynak: Bromo-Seltzer
Almagate (trade name Almax) is an aluminium - and magnesium -containing antacid . It was first described in 1984 Adverse effects
Kaynak: Almagate
Magaldrate (INN ) is a common antacid drug that is used for the treatment of duodenal and gastric ulcer s, esophagitis from
Kaynak: Magaldrate
Dihydroxialumini sodium carbonate is an antacid . It is also known as "dihydroxyaluminium sodium carbonate. References : Category:Antacids
Kaynak: Dihydroxialumini sodium carbonate
Magnesium hydroxide is a common component of antacid s and laxative s; it interferes with the absorption of folic acid and iron Magnesium
Kaynak: Magnesium hydroxide
Surpass was a short-lived Wrigley antacid gum . Shipments of Surpass to retail outlets were discontinued in March 2003 due to lack of
Kaynak: Surpass

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