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anteater ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"anteater" için örnek kullanımlar

In relief of Thurman came Morales for his first appearance as an Anteater.
Thurman'ın kabartma bir Anteater olarak yaptığı ilk görünüm için Morales geldi.
Kaynak: newuniversity.org
Smith is the third straight Anteater to win the award, following Sarah Gong and Ali Facey.
Smith Sarah Gong ve Ali Facey takiben, ödül kazanmak için üçüncü düz Anteater olduğunu.
Kaynak: dailypilot.com
He's a regular on David Letterman, where he has appeared with everything from an anteater to a baby camel.
O bir anteater bir bebek deve için her şeyi ile ortaya çıkmıştır David Letterman, düzenli bulunuyor.
Kaynak: dispatch.com
Some of the animals share the same habitat, and cameras zeroed in on two Maine wolves and a giant anteater.
Bazı hayvanların aynı habitatı paylaşan ve kameraları iki Maine kurt ve bir dev anteater üzerine yazmanızın.
Kaynak: montgomeryadvertiser.com
The giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), also known as the ant bear, is a large insectivorous mammal native to Central and South
Kaynak: Giant anteater
The silky anteater, or pygmy anteater, (Cyclopes didactylus) is a species of anteater from Central and South America . It is the only
Kaynak: Silky anteater
The southern tamandua, also called a collared anteater, or lesser anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla), is a species of anteater from South
Kaynak: Southern tamandua
(also referred to as a scaly anteater or trenggiling) is a mammal of the order Pholidota. The one extant family , Manidae, has one
Kaynak: Pangolin
The numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus), also known as the banded anteater, or walpurti, is a marsupial found in Western Australia .
Kaynak: Numbat
Tamandua is a genus of anteater s. It has two members: the southern tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla) and the northern tamandua
Kaynak: Tamandua
Myrmecophagidae is a family of anteater s, the name being derived from the Ancient Greek words for 'ant' and 'eat' (Myrmeco- and phagos).
Kaynak: Myrmecophagidae

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