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antechamber ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

antechamber anlamı
1) bekleme odası
2) giriş salonu
3) antre

"antechamber" için örnek kullanımlar

Each time I escaped back to the titular antechamber, my art would disappear.
Ben itibari eyvan geri kaçtı, her zaman benim sanat ortadan kalkacaktır.
Kaynak: venturebeat.com
With control over the antechamber and decisions on audiences.
Izleyiciler üzerinde eyvan ve kararlar üzerinde kontrolü ile.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
In an antechamber Stefan catches Damon up, which pretty much amounts to "Katherine screwed us".
Bir eyvan Stefan olarak oldukça fazla miktarda "Katherine bizi mahvetti" Damon kadar yakalar.
Kaynak: afterelton.com
An antechamber (also known as an anteroom or ante-room) is a smaller room or vestibule serving as an entryway into a larger one.
Kaynak: Antechamber
was a covered courtyard that served as an antechamber to the Great Palace of Constantinople . The French scholar Rodolphe Guilland also
Kaynak: Covered Hippodrome
B.C. It has representative façade, small antechamber and domed chamber. The entrances have been closed with double stone doors.
Kaynak: Thracian tomb Golyama Arsenalka
The façade, the antechamber and the circular chamber are built of granite blocks. The entrances to the antechamber and the dome chamber
Kaynak: Thracian tomb Griffins
After the corridor there are antechamber and rectangular chamber with unique cover. The bended walls of both rooms are “crossed” by
Kaynak: Thracian tomb Helvetia
The antechamber dolmen is found southeast of that, between Demmin and the island of Usedom . Several variant, but very rare examples
Kaynak: Great dolmen
A steep corridor leads down, in a dog -leg shape, from the entrance past a deep well to a trapezoid al antechamber. Beyond the antechamber
Kaynak: KV34
chamber of about 3 | m | ft | sp us in diameter, accessible through a small antechamber and a tunnel, approximately 6 | m | ft | sp us long.
Kaynak: Thracian tomb of Aleksandrovo kurgan
It has wide and long corridor, antechamber with semi-cylindrical roof, supported by an elegant column. The top of this column has a form
Kaynak: Thracian tomb Shushmanets
The entrance to the burial chambers is on the north face which descends to a vestibule where another shaft leads to the antechamber.
Kaynak: Pyramid of Merenre
The present structure consists of two chambers; one, a domed chamber, is of Muslim Ottoman construction The antechamber was built by Sir
Kaynak: Rachel's Tomb
womb-chamber, in which the idol or deity is housed, often called circumambulation , a congregation hall, and sometimes an antechamber and porch.
Kaynak: Hindu temple architecture

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