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antifreeze ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

antifreeze anlamı
1) antifriz
1) donmayı önleyici

"antifreeze" için örnek kullanımlar

Check levels for wiper fluid, engine coolant, brake fluid and antifreeze.
Silecek sıvısı, motor soğutma suyu, fren hidroliği ve antifriz için seviyelerini kontrol edin.
Kaynak: triblive.com
What do dark chocolate, lilies, antifreeze and Tylenol all have in common?
Hepsinin ortak noktası nedir bitter çikolata, lilyum, antifriz ve Tylenol mı?
Kaynak: blogs.fayobserver.com
The success of treatment to antifreeze exposure depends on quick action.
Antifriz maruziyeti tedavinin başarısı hızlı aksiyon bağlıdır.
Kaynak: piercecountyherald.com
An antifreeze is a chemical additive which lowers the freezing point of a water-based liquid. An antifreeze mixture is used to achieve
Kaynak: Antifreeze
Ethylene glycol (IUPAC name : ethane-1,2-diol) is an organic compound widely used as an automotive antifreeze and a precursor to
Kaynak: Ethylene glycol
Then in the late 1960s, animal biologist Arthur DeVries was able to isolate the antifreeze protein through his investigation of Antarctic
Kaynak: Antifreeze protein
(a primary ingredient in some brands of antifreeze ) to make the wines appear sweeter and more full-bodied in the style of late harvest
Kaynak: 1985 diethylene glycol wine scandal
Xylomannan is a newly discovered antifreeze molecule, found in the freeze-tolerant Alaskan beetle Upis ceramboides Unlike antifreeze
Kaynak: Xylomannan
(drinking alcohol At room temperature, it is a polar liquid , and is used as an antifreeze , solvent , fuel , and as a denaturant for ethanol .
Kaynak: Methanol
RiAFP refers to an antifreeze protein (AFP) produced by the Rhagium inquisitor longhorned beetle. It is a type V antifreeze protein with
Kaynak: RiAFP
Ethylene glycol poisoning is caused by the ingestion of ethylene glycol (the primary ingredient in both automotive antifreeze and
Kaynak: Ethylene glycol poisoning
Prestone is an American brand of antifreeze marketed by FRAM Group, LLC. It was originally made by Union Carbide , who spun off their
Kaynak: Prestone
Ethylene glycol (MEG), chemical compound used as automotive antifreeze. Madras Engineer Group (MEG), regiment of the Corps of Engineers of
Kaynak: MEG

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