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antithetical ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

antithetical anlamı
1) aykırı
2) karşıt
3) zıt

"antithetical" için örnek kullanımlar

Campaigning for policies is not antithetical to leadership, it is leadership.
Politikaları için kampanya liderlik aykırı değil, liderlik.
Kaynak: standard.net
But the new school, which RG represented, was antithetical to that.
Ama RG temsil yeni okul, o aykırı idi.
Kaynak: dnaindia.com
This insidious pressure for conformity is antithetical to the push for equality.
Uygunluk için bu sinsi basınç eşitliği için itme aykırı olduğunu.
Kaynak: yaledailynews.com
He's a great guy, his persona is completely antithetical to who he is in real life.
O harika bir adam, onun kişiliği o gerçek hayatta kim olduğunu tamamen aykırı olduğunu.
Kaynak: perezhilton.com
Although often called antithetical couplet, they can better be described as a written form of counterpoint. The two lines have a one-to-
Kaynak: Couplet (Chinese poetry)
A capitalist republic is a concept of government Marxist s believe is antithetical to socialist thought. They hold that while a socialist
Kaynak: Capitalist republic
environmental niches, organizational equilibriums made of antithetical processes, relativity through time of levels of aspiration as well
Kaynak: William H. Starbuck
Golden Age painting , although in many ways antithetical to the Baroque style that dominated Europe, was extremely prolific and innovative.
Kaynak: Rembrandt
Greek term κόσμος (kosmos), literally meaning "order" or "ornament" and metaphorically "world and is antithetical to the concept of chaos .
Kaynak: Cosmos
otherwise wage laborers would be the conscious supporters of social relations antithetical to their own interests, violating that presumption
Kaynak: False consciousness
theories of Imperialism , Vanguardism and Democratic centralism , believing such practices to be antithetical to the realization of socialism.
Kaynak: World Socialist Movement
It was the first in a series of books that advanced a new "revisionary" or antithetical approach to literary criticism . Bloom's central
Kaynak: The Anxiety of Influence
Today the expression is largely used pejoratively since its thesis is held to be antithetical to socialism by Classical Marxism , Orthodox
Kaynak: Socialism in One Country
gospel event in this painting would have been antithetical to the vividly faithful Oratorian s, who sought to relive experiences through prayer.-
Kaynak: The Entombment of Christ (Caravaggio)
Her work addresses issues of women's rights , particularly in the context of a prevailing culture she considered antithetical to
Kaynak: Minna Canth
described his philosophies along with the antithetical ideas of Mozi (墨子) as "floods and wild animals that ravage the land" (Liu: 1967: 358).
Kaynak: Yang Zhu
Herbie is an antithetical hero — short, fat, and young — but ironically one of the most powerful and best-known beings in history.
Kaynak: Herbie Popnecker
period, since in the second half of the 19th century it was supplanted by Realism , whose nature was antithetical to that of Romantic literature.
Kaynak: Romanticism in Spanish literature
first and most convincing interpreters of Ornette Coleman 's music on the piano (an instrument usually seen as antithetical to Coleman's music).
Kaynak: Paul Plimley
Sometimes the objective is antithetical to normal chess, such as helping (or even compelling) the opponent to checkmate one's own king.
Kaynak: Chess puzzle

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