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apiary ne demek?

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apiary anlamı
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"apiary" için örnek kullanımlar

Environment · News · Gardening · Science & Nature · agriculture · apiary.
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Kaynak: examiner.com
Tim Dorr has already created and posted unofficial documentation on apiary.io.
Tim Dorr zaten oluşturulmuş ve arılık. Io tarihinde gayri resmi belgeler gönderdi.
Kaynak: blog.programmableweb.com
Despite apiary apathy, we owe a lot to the honeybee in particular.
Arılık apati rağmen, özellikle arı çok şey borçluyum.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.co.uk
The county has a newly appointed Apiary "Bee" Inspector for 2013.
Ilçe 2013 için yeni atanmış bir arı kovanı "Arı" Müfettiş var.
Kaynak: peoplesdefender.com
An apiary (also known as a bee yard) is a place where beehives of honey bee s are kept. Traditionally beekeeper s (also known as
Kaynak: Apiary
A Mating Yard is a term for an apiary which consists primarily of queen mating nuc s and hives which raise drones. A Queen bee must mate
Kaynak: Mating yard
Beekeepers are also called honey farmers, apiarists, or less commonly, apiculturists (both from the Latin apis , bee ; cf. apiary ).
Kaynak: Beekeeper
Mayhew held the distinction for most of the 20th century as being home to Stover Apiaries, the world's largest queen bee apiary, which
Kaynak: Mayhew, Mississippi
Robbing may go on between hives in one apiary or hives of different apiaries. Among the races of the Western honeybee the Italian bee has
Kaynak: Robbing
A location where bees are kept is called an apiary or "bee yard". History of beekeeping: date February 2013 Origins: There are more than 20,000
Kaynak: Beekeeping
naturally occurring structures occupied by honeybee colonies, while domesticated honeybees live in man-made beehives, often in an apiary .
Kaynak: Beehive
In his early years Whynott worked as a dolphin trainer, fish curator, piano tuner , apiary inspector, track coach, and blues piano
Kaynak: Douglas Whynott
White sweet clover is a major source of nectar for an apiary . Its characteristic sweet odour, intensified by drying, is derived from
Kaynak: Melilotus albus
specified criterion for CCD (that 50% or more of their dead colonies were found without bees and/or with very few dead bees in the hive or apiary).
Kaynak: Colony collapse disorder

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