In the first verse of the book, Paul tells us of his
Kitabın ilk ayetinde, Paul onun nübüvveti söyler.
Kaynak: newsdemocratleader.comLedes Duffy is a volunteer with
Apostleship of the Sea, a Catholic Church organisation that supports the welfare of seafarers.
Ledes Duffy Denizi nübüvveti, gemiadamlarının refahı destekleyen bir Katolik Kilisesi organizasyonu ile gönüllü.
Kaynak: to Dr. Clint Bass, Assistant Professor of Church History, the guiding spirit of
apostleship finds itself in a very complex situation.
Dr Clint Bass, Kilise Tarihi Doçenti göre, nübüvveti rehber ruhu çok karmaşık bir durumda kendini bulur.
Kaynak: omnibusonline.comPeter and John in Jerusalem accepted his calling to the
apostleship from the Lord to the Gentiles (specifically those not circumcised )
Kaynak: Apostle (Christian)Junia's
apostleship Grammatical issue: "prominent among" or "well known to"?: The meaning of "outstanding among the apostles" is rendered by
Kaynak: Junia