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"apparently" için örnek kullanımlar

Batman from New Jersey? Apparently, Gotham City is located in Garden State.
New Jersey Batman? Anlaşılan, Gotham City Garden State yer almaktadır.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
Apparently there was free money in the sin bin: Panthers 6, Penguins 4.
Panterler 6, Penguenler 4: Görünüşe göre özgür para günah bin oldu.
Kaynak: pensburgh.com
GOP support for Walker education budget apparently is crumbling.
Walker eğitim bütçesi için GOP desteği görünüşe çökmekte.
Kaynak: thonline.com
But once inside, the alleged thieves apparently didn't target tools or other items.
Ama bir kez içinde, iddia edilen hırsızlar görünüşte araçları veya diğer öğeleri hedef almadım.
Kaynak: mlive.com
In Grozny , Chechnya , it was reported that 2 Russian soldiers were killed and that 1 other soldier was apparently injured after
Kaynak: List of clashes in the North Caucasus in 2010
Slug is a common name for an apparently shell-less terrestrial gastropod mollusk . The word "slug" is also often used as part of the
Kaynak: Slug
Developed apparently simultaneously by toymakers Morris Michtom in the US and Richard Steiff in Germany in the early years of the 20th
Kaynak: Teddy bear
The concept of vestigiality applies to genetically determined structures or attributes that have apparently lost most or all of its
Kaynak: Vestigiality
Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance,
Kaynak: Synchronicity
After the blasts, it is known that dozens of security forces personnel had apparently arrived at the scene of these explosions, where
Kaynak: Terrorist incidents in Pakistan in 2010
The schottische is a partnered country dance , that apparently originated in Bohemia date December 2010. It was popular in Victorian era
Kaynak: Schottische
The company name was apparently an acronym for C omputer A musement Vi su a lizer, although the company web site also claims it refers to
Kaynak: Cavia (company)
In dynamical system s, intermittency is the irregular alternation of phases of apparently periodic and chaotic dynamics (Pomeau–Manneville
Kaynak: Intermittency
Cattle mutilation (also known as bovine excision) is the killing and mutilation of cattle under apparently unusual or anomalous
Kaynak: Cattle mutilation
The Ingaevones or, as Pliny has it, apparently more accurately, Ingvaeones ("people of Yngvi "), as described in Tacitus 's Germania ,
Kaynak: Ingaevones
The Witch of Endor, sometimes called the medium of Endor , was a sorceress who apparently called up the ghost of the recently deceased
Kaynak: Witch of Endor
Noðhelm, or Nunna for short, was King of Sussex , apparently reigning jointly with Watt , Osric , and Æðelstan . Life: Kelly noted the names
Kaynak: Nothhelm of Sussex
The Satanic Verses are a small number of apparently pagan verses that were alleged to have been temporarily included in the Qur'an by
Kaynak: Satanic Verses
Hollow (formerly called Penance) is an apparently mindless body which three members of the St Croix family, all members of the Marvel
Kaynak: Penance (X-Men)

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