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appease ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

appease anlamı
1) yatıştırmak
2) bastırmak
3) sakinleştirmek
4) gidermek
5) gönlünü almak
6) azaltmak
7) hafifletmek

"appease" için örnek kullanımlar

What websites such as these do is take our money to appease our guilt.
Ne bu tür ne gibi web siteleri bizim suçluluk yatıştırmak için paramızı almaktır.
Kaynak: independent.co.uk
Global Radio offers to sell Real XS and Gold to appease Competition Commission.
Küresel Radyo Gerçek XS ve Rekabet Komisyonu yatıştırmak için altın satmak sunmaktadır.
Kaynak: thedrum.com
A healthy handful of foods to appease the emotional eater.
Duygusal yiyen yatıştırmak için gıdaların sağlıklı bir avuç.
Kaynak: tri.gmnews.com
It's unclear whether the new label will appease critics.
Bu yeni etiket eleştirmenler tatmin edip etmeyeceği henüz belli değil.
Kaynak: money.msn.com
Propitiation is the act of appeasing or making well disposed (from Latin propitiāre, to appease; from propitius, gracious especially a
Kaynak: Propitiation
Animal sacrifice is the ritual killing and offering of an animal to appease or maintain favour with a divine agency . Such forms of
Kaynak: Animal sacrifice
In order to appease the critics of the unique MMA team concept of the International Fight League , after the 2007 season is finished there
Kaynak: 2007 IFL Individual Weight class Standings
It explores the ritual sacrifice of children to appease the pantheon of voodoo deities, through the currently used practice of Santería
Kaynak: The Religion
It is observed in order to appease the local deities, associated with the welfare of the village and their harvest, and also to get rid of
Kaynak: Rongker
from a supposed Remuria was that it had been instituted by Romulus to appease the spirit of Remus (Ovid , Fasti , V.421ff; Porphyrius ).
Kaynak: Lemuria (festival)
In order to appease Abassi, the stricken must sacrifice one young goat on a funeral pyre. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DISPOSE OF THE RELIC.
Kaynak: Abassi
Victims were typically ritually killed in a manner that was supposed to please or appease gods , spirits or the deceased, for example as
Kaynak: Human sacrifice
Thiriyuzhichil is a dance ritual performed by Pulluva s in Kerala (South India ) to alleviate the fear of snake s, to appease the snake
Kaynak: Thiriyuzhichil
Shrines are built to appease family spirits, and there is a strong belief in Mujimu spirits who serve as an intermediary between man and
Kaynak: Bangubangu
Fillmore opposed the proposal to keep slavery out of the territories annexed during the Mexican–American War in order to appease the
Kaynak: Millard Fillmore
This has been described as a Western betrayal of Poland on the part of Allied Powers to appease the Soviet leader, and avoid a direct
Kaynak: History of Poland (1945–1989)
his daughter, Iphigenia , to appease the goddess Artemis and allow his troops to set sail to preserve their honour in battle against Troy .
Kaynak: Iphigenia in Aulis
The original festival was held in order to appease typhoons and allow for a bountiful harvest of rice. What makes this festival so unique
Kaynak: Kaze no bon
The purpose of the festival is to appease these Gods so that famine could be avoided. This rite is observed by the Apatanis in Arunachal
Kaynak: Dree Festival

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