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aptness ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

aptness anlamı
1) yatkınlık
2) yetenek
3) kabiliyet
4) çabuk kavrama
5) zekilik

"aptness" için örnek kullanımlar

With the other roles, dramatic aptness was happily allied to musical pleasure.
Diğer rolleri ile, dramatik yetenek mutlu müzik keyfi için müttefik oldu.
Kaynak: telegraph.co.uk
But talking with Mansbach, I quickly saw the aptness of his choice.
Ama Mansbach ile konuşurken, ben hızla kendi seçtiği kabiliyet gördüm.
Kaynak: theatlantic.com
Thus the aptness of the original name!
Böylece orijinal adının kabiliyet!
Kaynak: theatlantic.com
Besa director Caroline Wright said that teachers are becoming more shrewd in assessing the aptness of products for their specific needs.
Besa yönetmeni Caroline Wright öğretmenlerin kendi özel ihtiyaçları için ürün kabiliyet değerlendirirken daha kurnaz hale geldiğini söyledi.
Kaynak: thestar.com.my
is a national authority in the state of Qatar whose mission is to realize the aptness of population requirements to sustainable development.
Kaynak: Permanent Population Committee
He early showed aptness and skill at machine work, a faculty which ever after proved useful and profitable to him. In June 1847, Powers and
Kaynak: William T. Powers (Michigan)
The media noted the title's aptness given that both he and the Duchess had Cambridge University graduates in their families including
Kaynak: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge
"Simonides has a simple style, but he can be commended for the aptness of his language and for a certain charm; his chief merit, however
Kaynak: Simonides of Ceos
Alexander Parks , governor of the Territory of Alaska from 1925 to 1933 However, the aptness of the name was recognized when it was chosen.
Kaynak: George Parks Highway
The aptness of his courtesy to each individual lent a charm to his society more potent than any flattery, yet at the same time it exacted
Kaynak: Sextus of Chaeronea
It also reflects his aptness of writing poetic drama. His marsias deal with social, ethical, political and philosophical and many
Kaynak: Karbala Ta Karbala
Although conventionally mislabeled as the "Hermit kingdom ," Joseon's sophisticated foreign policy initiatives belie the aptness of this
Kaynak: Joseon diplomacy
scholarship, finish of style, or elegance of delivery, as by his strong grasp upon his subject, his simplicity, directness, aptness, and freshness.
Kaynak: William Patton
He showed there much aptness for antiquarian discovery, and threw light upon vestiges of Roman occupation in his native county which Nash
Kaynak: Jabez Allies
dedicated work in preparing young minds to learn the sensitivity and aptness of the disciplines of music, Shurer Dhara has recently taken on
Kaynak: Rezwana Choudhury Bannya
The label Italian dialect as conventionally used is more geopolitical in aptness of meaning rather than linguistic: Bolognese and
Kaynak: Dialectology
The aptness of the motto is evident in the diverse interests of GFWC members, who have implemented a broad range of programs and projects
Kaynak: General Federation of Women's Clubs
While appreciating his aptness for the job, she mistrusts all men as potential gold-diggers, rejects Leopold's advances and longingly
Kaynak: The White Horse Inn
He displays richness of fancy and aptness of language, and his work has even stood the test of time. Various editions of his Collected
Kaynak: Vojislav Ilić
his acquaintance with the Japanese language and of the aptness and clearness with which he translates whatever Father Cosmo suggests to him."
Kaynak: Juan Fernández (missionary)
Accuracy of transcription and aptness of markup are assessed in all cases by a group of library-based proofers and reviewers managed by
Kaynak: Text Creation Partnership
Sinema, which said The Deadly Camp "doesn't demonstrate aptness in any category" and suffered from annoying characters and a nonsensical plot
Kaynak: The Deadly Camp

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