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ardour ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

ardour anlamı
1) şevk
2) şevk
3) heves
4) heves
5) gayret
6) gayret
7) heyecan
8) heyecan

"ardour" için örnek kullanımlar

My parents love each other with more ardour than they did many years ago.
Ailem onlar yıllar önce yaptım daha şevkle birbirimizi seviyoruz.
Kaynak: thestar.com.my
If anything can cool the ardour of a movie exec it's a litigious author.
Şey bir film exec heves serin olabilir Eğer bir kavgalı yazarıdır.
Kaynak: sabotagetimes.com
But these sophistications hold no influence over the precocities of teenage ardour.
Ama bu sophistications genç şevk ve precocities üzerinde hiçbir etkisi tutun.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
Thankfully that cooled her ardour while I totted up the bill.
Ben tasarıyı kadar totted ise sevindirici olduğunu ona şevk soğutulur.
Kaynak: eveningtimes.co.uk
Vedic Sanskrit for "spirit, temper, ardour, passion, anger" is war god,wielder of thunder,slayer of foes,of Dasyus. He is fierce,queller
Kaynak: Manyu (deity)
fell into French hands, Admiral Tourville failed to pursue the Allied fleet with sufficient ardour, allowing it to escape to the river Thames .
Kaynak: Battle of Beachy Head (1690)
Since then the country's policies have oscillated between the two opposing tendencies of revolutionary ardour, which would eliminate
Kaynak: Foreign relations of Iran
To contemporaries, he was incompetent and extravagant, lacking the warlike ardour of his brother and predecessor Guigues VIII .
Kaynak: Humbert II of Viennois
1876) fed the young enthusiast's ardour for the liberalism of the day, and later led to the foundation of the Society of the Friends of Italy.
Kaynak: Sydney Thompson Dobell
It was like the ardour of a lover; it embarrassed me; it was hateful and yet overpowering; and with gloating eyes she drew me to her, and
Kaynak: Lesbian vampire
This, however, did nothing to cool his apparent ardour. To quote him, "no Fair one has yet made any impression on me nor Do I think there
Kaynak: Joseph Willcocks

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