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arrival ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

arrival anlamı
1) varış
2) geliş
3) gelme
4) varma
5) mal girişi
6) gözükme
7) gelen şey
8) ortaya çıkma

"arrival" için örnek kullanımlar

Chris Kinnear arrival at Dover Athletic leads to bookmakers running scared.
Dover Athletic Chris Kinnear varış korkuyor çalışan bahisçiler yol açar.
Kaynak: thisiskent.co.uk
Eagles upset about female liquor inspector's arrival in their dressing room.
Eagles kendi soyunma odasında kız likör müfettiş varış üzülüyor.
Kaynak: cowichannewsleader.com
'Community' videos: The cast previews Thanksgiving and the arrival of James Brolin.
'Topluluk' videolar: döküm önizlemeleri Şükran ve James Brolin gelişi.
Kaynak: blog.zap2it.com
Justin Bieber's late arrival at Monday's London O2 concert will not cost him a thing.
Pazartesi günkü Londra O2 konser Justin Bieber geç varış ona bir şey maliyet değil.
Kaynak: thecelebritycafe.com
Beginning with the 1492 arrival of Christopher Columbus , over nearly four centuries the Spanish Empire would expand across: most of
Kaynak: Spanish colonization of the Americas
On arrival of the confederated troops on the Kahlenberg above Vienna, they signaled their arrival with bonfires. In the early morning
Kaynak: Battle of Vienna
British cinema was given a boost during the early 1980s by the arrival of David Puttnam 's company Goldcrest Films . The films Chariots of
Kaynak: History of film
He reached Barcelona on March 15, and the Monument a Colom commemorates his arrival. He was received as a hero in Spain. He displayed
Kaynak: Voyages of Christopher Columbus
The origin and arrival time of the first Americans remain uncertain, but not so uncertain that we need to look elsewhere other than north-
Kaynak: Settlement of the Americas

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