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arrogantly ne demek?

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arrogantly anlamı

"arrogantly" için örnek kullanımlar

If he tries to be that, he arrogantly makes himself the equal of the Lord.
O olmaya çalışırsa, o küstahça kendini Rabbin eşit yapar.
Kaynak: firstthings.com
The first arrogantly claims that reason gives us a key to all problems.
İlk küstahça bu nedenle bize tüm sorunlar için bir anahtar verir iddia ediyor.
Kaynak: catholicnewsagency.com
Instead, it would rather arrogantly believe it is doing just fine on its own.
Bunun yerine, oldukça küstahça kendi içinde gayet iyi yapıyor inanmazdı.
Kaynak: observertoday.com
Most donors behave arrogantly; almost always NGOs have to come to the donors.
Çoğu donörlerin küstahça davranan; hemen her zaman sivil toplum bağış için gelmek zorunda.
Kaynak: europeanvoice.com
But, when they spurned the advice arrogantly, Arumukan eliminated them too. During the same Yukam, Suraparppan was created once again as
Kaynak: Kretha Yukam
For much of his career he played a villainous character who would arrogantly taunt both opponents and crowds. Ladd feuded with many
Kaynak: Ernie Ladd
Erin with the "heart of gold", his goody-goody friend Tommy, and his arrogantly lewd, bigoted and multiple-divorced father Ken "Papa" Titus.
Kaynak: Titus (TV series)
Dorothy Compton as they arrogantly believe their houses of straw and twigs will protect them from the Big Bad Wolf (voiced by Billy Bletcher ).
Kaynak: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
When Halia's young sons arrogantly refused to let Aphrodite land upon their shore, the goddess cursed them with insanity. In their madness
Kaynak: Halie
Lü Bu, however, was strong in force at the time and arrogantly refused the marriage alliance, sending Yuan Shu's envoy as prisoner to the
Kaynak: Lü Lingqi
sword shouldered arrogantly Me Wunna died of a broken heart after Byatta was killed and later their sons were taken away on the king's orders.
Kaynak: Shwe Hpyin Nyidaw
For this the Parthian king put Orobazus to death for allowing a Roman magistrate to treat a Parthian envoy arrogantly. External links
Kaynak: Orobazus
He conducted himself arrogantly towards his friends, and exhibited no small presumption and rashness in his military operations.
Kaynak: Xenoetas
to those plant fables like The Oak and the Reed and The Trees and the Bramble in which the protagonists arrogantly debate with each other.
Kaynak: The Rose and the Amaranth
combining various honorifics previously used individually for various human or divine rulers (somewhat arrogantly according to the opinion of some).
Kaynak: Seven Warring States
of his colleagues' several contributions to philosophic truth, or - less arrogantly - of indicating or reinforcing their latent consonance.
Kaynak: John Alexander Smith
117 F.R.D. 557 (ED Pa 1987), Lord famously wrote, "Counsel brazenly, discourteously, defiantly, arrogantly, insultingly and under the
Kaynak: Joseph Simon Lord III
interesting remarks, which he never cleared up: " An older member of parliament sent me and sms which said, I shouldn't behave too arrogantly.
Kaynak: Sedat Peker
When the Sui soldiers entered, Chen Shen greeted them, neither overly arrogantly nor overly self-deprecating, with, "You have marched a
Kaynak: Chen Shen
Toward the cool night and its fantastic star,Prime paramour and belted paragon,Well-booted, rugged, arrogantly male,Patron and imager of
Kaynak: Last Looks at the Lilacs
among the last areas to be heavily developed. Cypress sided cottages on the island gave the community one of its monikers: arrogantly shabby.
Kaynak: Pawleys Island, South Carolina
Doctor Doom scoffs arrogantly that he has no need of such things, and Loki cautions him otherwise, as they are all of dubious
Kaynak: Cabal (comics)

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