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ascendent ne demek?

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ascendent anlamı
1) egemen
2) etkin
3) yükselen
4) nüfuzlu
5) üstün
1) ekliptiğin yükselen noktası

"ascendent" için örnek kullanımlar

There's a reason Jony Ive is ascendent and Scott Forstall is looking for a job.
Jony Ive hükmetmek ve Scott Forstall bir iş arayan bir nedeni var.
Kaynak: gizmodo.com.au
Today of course he remains a guy who can crack a joke, among many other ascendent progressive politicos.
Tabii Bugün birçok asendan ilerici politikacıları arasında bir şaka çatlasa bir adam kalır.
Kaynak: samefacts.com
Sure he's an injury replacement for Andre Drummond, but the Magic big man deserves a spot amid the ascendent young.
Tabii o Andre Drummond için bir yaralanma yedek, ama Sihirli büyük adam hükmetmek genç ortasında bir nokta hak.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
Reelected by an ascendent coalition, the president spoke from a position of strength in his fourth State of the Union address.
Bir egemen koalisyonu tarafından seçildi, cumhurbaşkanı Birlik konuşmasında dördüncü Devlet güçlü bir konumdan konuştu.
Kaynak: washingtonpost.com
Sweet Baby James made Taylor one of the main forces of the ascendent folk movement. The album was nominated to a Grammy Award for Album
Kaynak: Sweet Baby James
Founded in 1991 by James Perkins, it was set up at a time when breakbeat hardcore was on the ascendent within the rave scene, having
Kaynak: Fantazia (dance)
pointing out its ascendent over all others in the ethnical composition of the country (an idea made public in his 1842 work, Der
Kaynak: Stephan Ludwig Roth
By using the ascendent's nakshatra, instead of the moon's nakshatra leads more to comfort of the Self, rather than comfort of the mother.
Kaynak: Nakshatra
As time passed and the violence in Bleeding Kansas escalated, abolitionists became ascendent in the Free-State movement. In 1858, the
Kaynak: Free-Stater (Kansas)
The society has set its effective date as 1370, during the Hundred Years War at a time when the English were ascendent against the Armies
Kaynak: The Company of Chivalry
As Scott's reputation declined, that of his contemporary Ernest Shackleton , long overshadowed by Scott, was in the ascendent as his man-
Kaynak: Controversies surrounding Robert Falcon Scott
"The seventh place from the ascendent, the descendent, is called jamitra (diametros) in the language of the Greeks; the tenth from the
Kaynak: Yavanajataka
The stem is more or less ascendent, woody in the lower part, branched, with ascending annual and herbaceous branches (suffruticose) with
Kaynak: Chamaecytisus hirsutus
A proof of it is its first single, The More I Try, extracted of the Hydra Rising album , a soul bomb hit which confirms its ascendent
Kaynak: Mandalas (band)
Born in Belo Horizonte from Brazilian parents with Greek ascendent. Serakides speaks Portuguese , English , and Spanish . She graduated
Kaynak: Camila Serakides
For acting against the ascendent faction he was declared "traître à la patrie" (Traitor to the Fatherland), and eventually was forced to
Kaynak: Jacques Defermon des Chapelieres

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