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astronomer ne demek?

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astronomer anlamı
1) astronom
2) gökbilimci

"astronomer" için örnek kullanımlar

Nicolaus Copernicus' 540th birthday: Saluting the Polish astronomer.
Nicolaus Copernicus '540 doğum: Polonyalı astronom selam.
Kaynak: ibnlive.in.com
In 1496, however, he met astronomer Domenico Maria Novara during a trip to Italy.
1496 yılında, ancak, o İtalya gezisi sırasında astronom Domenico Maria Novara araya geldi.
Kaynak: pcmag.com
Vikki Meadows: My training is actually as a planetary astronomer.
Vikki Meadows: Benim eğitim gezegensel bir astronom olarak aslında.
Kaynak: astrobio.net
Indiana News. Astronomer: Higgs Boson Field Could Lead to the End of the Universe.
. Indiana Haberler Astronom: Higgs Boson Alan Evrenin Sonu Neden Olabiliyor.
Kaynak: wibc.com
An astronomer is a scientist who studies celestial bodies such as moons , planets , stars , nebulae , and galaxies ); the physics ,
Kaynak: Astronomer
containing the Milky Way , was discovered by the Persian astronomer Azophi and first described in his Book of Fixed Stars The SN 1006
Kaynak: Astronomy
The following are list of astronomer s, astrophysicist s and other notable people who have made contributions to the field of astronomy .
Kaynak: List of astronomers
(14 March 1835 - 4 July 1910) was an Italian astronomer and science historian . Biography: He was educated at the University of Turin , and
Kaynak: Giovanni Schiaparelli
Poul Jensen is a Danish astronomer . While working at Brorfelde Observatory he discovered numerous asteroid s. Between 1967–69 he
Kaynak: Poul Jensen (astronomer)
This list of Russia n astronomer s and astrophysicist s includes the famous astronomers, astrophysicists and cosmologist s from the Russian
Kaynak: List of Russian astronomers and astrophysicists
is a Japan ese astronomer from Toyota, Aichi , Japan Between 1984 and 1992, he, along with Takeshi Urata , discovered 34 minor planet s
Kaynak: Kenzo Suzuki (astronomer)
Sir David Gill FRS (12 June 1843 – 24 January 1914) was a Scottish astronomer who is known for measuring astronomical distances, for
Kaynak: David Gill (astronomer)
Tom Stafford is an astronomer who has discovered a number of asteroid s since 1997 including 12061 Alena 12533 Edmond 13436 Enid 13688
Kaynak: Tom Stafford (astronomer)

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