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atheistic ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

atheistic anlamı
1) ateist
2) dinsiz
3) tanrıtanımaz
4) imansız
5) Allah'sız

"atheistic" için örnek kullanımlar

Theistic evolution is merely an accommodation to atheistic evolution.
Teist evrim sadece ateist evrim için bir konaklama yeridir.
Kaynak: ldnews.com
In his sermons he cautioned against the dangers of atheistic, materialist Marxism.
Vaazları yılında ateist, materyalist Marksizmin tehlikelere karşı uyardı.
Kaynak: firstthings.com
My first clear moment of atheistic thinking came at camp shortly after my bar mitzvah.
Ateist düşünce benim ilk açık andan kısa bir süre benim mitzvah sonra kampta geldi.
Kaynak: tabletmag.com
Atheist existentialism or atheistic existentialism is a kind of existentialism which strongly diverged from the Christian works of Søren
Kaynak: Atheist existentialism
had successfully campaigned for the proclamation of the atheistic Cult of Reason , which was adopted by the French Republic on November 10
Kaynak: State atheism
Among the various schools of Hindu philosophy, Mimamsa , Samkhya , Cārvāka , and Ājīvika evolved atheistic traditions. While Samkhya
Kaynak: Atheism in Hinduism
The Reform movement, for example, has rejected efforts at affiliation by atheistic temples The presence of atheists in all denominations
Kaynak: Jewish atheism
Agnostic atheism, also called atheistic agnosticism, is a philosophical position that encompasses both atheism and agnosticism .
Kaynak: Agnostic atheism
The third and first, on the other hand, need not be atheistic at all. Earlier definitions of antitheism include that of the French Catholic
Kaynak: Antitheism
For instance, the Archbishop of Wales has criticized "atheistic fundamentalism" broadly and said "Any kind of fundamentalism, be it
Kaynak: Fundamentalism
which by being post-theistic is at the same time necessarily post-atheistic Related ideas include Friedrich Nietzsche 's pronouncement that
Kaynak: Post-theism
Although the public practice of Satanism began in 1966 with the founding of the atheistic Church of Satan , some historical precedents
Kaynak: Satanism
The Cult of Reason (Culte de la Raison)fn_a | a was an atheistic belief system established in France and intended as a replacement for
Kaynak: Cult of Reason
The Atheist's Wager is an atheistic response to Pascal's Wager regarding the existence of God . in religious and atheist literature since.
Kaynak: Atheist's Wager
The Bārhaspatya-sūtras (a patronymic of Brhaspati ), also Lokāyata ("materialistic", "atheistic") sutras were the foundational text of the
Kaynak: Barhaspatya sutras
Bezbozhnik (Безбожник; "Atheist" or "The Godless") was a monthly anti-religious and atheistic satirical magazine , published in the
Kaynak: Bezbozhnik (magazine)
as negative to human development, and socialist states that follow a Marxist-Leninist variant are atheistic and explicitly antireligious .
Kaynak: Marxism and religion
was not made earlier than in the late eighteenth century, atheistic ideas, as well as their political influence, have a more expansive history.
Kaynak: History of atheism

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