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bitumen ne demek?

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bitumen anlamı
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"bitumen" için örnek kullanımlar

First of all, Canadian bitumen is not a low cost substitute for crude oil.
Her şeyden önce, Kanadalı bitüm ham petrol için düşük maliyetli bir alternatifi değildir.
Kaynak: economonitor.com
China imported 238528 MT of Bitumen in the month of December 2012.
Çin Aralık 2012 ayında Bitüm 238.528 MT ithal.
Kaynak: bitumart.com
India imported 11694 MT of Bitumen in the month of December 2012.
Hindistan Aralık 2012 ayında Bitüm 11694 MT ithal.
Kaynak: bitumart.com
During the period January to November 2012, Germany imported 202110 MT of Bitumen.
Kasım 2012 dönemini Ocak ayında Almanya'nın Bitüm 202.110 MT ithal.
Kaynak: bitumart.com
also known as bitumen, is a sticky, black and highly viscous liquid or semi-solid form of petroleum . It may be found in natural deposits
Kaynak: Asphalt
Pitch is the name for any of a number of highly viscous liquids which appear solid, most commonly bitumen . At room temperature, tar
Kaynak: Pitch drop experiment
The Athabasca oil sands (also called the Athabasca tar sands) are large deposits of bitumen or extremely heavy crude oil , located in
Kaynak: Athabasca oil sands
The estimates include deposits that have not yet been discovered; proven reserves of bitumen contain approximately 100 billion barrels
Kaynak: Oil sands
Abit Armenian Bitumen is a joint Armenian-Russian company, which produces paving and building bitumen. It was founded in May 2009 and
Kaynak: Abit (Armenian Bitumen)
Dilbit (diluted bitumen ) is a means of transporting highly viscous hydrocarbon. Per the Alberta Oil Sands Bitumen Valuation Methodology
Kaynak: Dilbit
The Refined Bitumen Association is the trade association for UK bitumen companies. History: It was formed in 1968. Asphalt Industry Alliance
Kaynak: Refined Bitumen Association
Elaterite, also known as Aeonite 'elastic bitumen ' or 'mineral caoutchouc '. Elaterite is a brown hydrocarbon varying somewhat in
Kaynak: Elaterite
cosmetics Genuine mumijo/shilajit should melt in the hand and has a distinct smell of bitumen, whereas ozokerite melts at 164-169 °F/73.3-76.1 °C.
Kaynak: Shilajit
An upgrader is a facility that upgrades bitumen (extra heavy oil) into synthetic crude oil. Upgrader plants are typically located close
Kaynak: Upgrader
Cariphalte is a brand of hot-pour rubberised bitumen sealant (bitumen technology) manufactured by Shell Bitumen, used for race track and
Kaynak: Cariphalte
Mallala Motor Sport Park is a 2.6 | km | mi | 1 | abbr on bitumen motor racing circuit near the town of Mallala in South Australia , 55
Kaynak: Mallala Motor Sport Park
Orimulsion is a registered trademark name for a bitumen -based fuel that was developed for industrial use by Intevep, the Research and
Kaynak: Orimulsion
The Shell Scotford Upgrader is an oilsand upgrader , a facility which processes crude bitumen (extra-heavy crude oil) from oil sands into
Kaynak: Scotford Upgrader
A de-asphalter is a unit in a crude oil refinery or bitumen upgrader that separates asphalt from crude oil or bitumen . The de-
Kaynak: De-asphalter
In 1745 Louis Pierre Ancillon de la Sablonnière established the Pechelbronn bitumen mine at Merkwiller-Pechelbronn , Bas-Rhin , Alsace .
Kaynak: Louis Pierre Ancillon de la Sablonnière

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