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blessing ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

blessing anlamı
1) nimet
2) kutsama
3) lütuf
4) bereket
5) dua
6) şükran
7) hayır dua

"blessing" için örnek kullanımlar

US Airways, American Airlines await regulators' blessing to their merger.
US Airways, American Airlines birleşme regülatörleri 'nimet bekliyor.
Kaynak: dallasnews.com
On May 5, the bar hosts its annual Blessing of the Bikes celebration.
5 Mayıs'ta çubuğu Bisikletleri kutlama yıllık Blessing ev sahipliği yapıyor.
Kaynak: elkridge.patch.com
There wouldn't be a "papal blessing" either if the Pope were dead would there?
Papa kalacağı ölü olsaydı ya "papalık nimet" Orada olmaz?
Kaynak: news.yahoo.com
Some 100,000 people packed St. Peter's Square to hear the pope's last blessing.
Bazı 100.000 kişi Papa'nın son nimet duymak Aziz Petrus Meydanı'na dolu.
Kaynak: npr.org
A blessing, (also used to refer to bestowing of such) is the infusion of something with holiness , spiritual redemption , divine will, or
Kaynak: Blessing
The sign of the cross (signum crucis), or blessing oneself or crossing oneself, is a ritual blessing made by members of many branches of
Kaynak: Sign of the Cross
ברכות, berakhot, brokhos; "bounty," "blessing") is a blessing , usually recited at a specific moment during a ceremony or other activity.
Kaynak: Berakhah
has been sanctified by a priest for the purpose of baptism ; the blessing of persons, places, and objects; or as a means of repelling evil
Kaynak: Holy water
A benediction (Latin : bene, well + dicere, to speak) is a short invocation for divine help, blessing and guidance, usually at the end of
Kaynak: Benediction
one's sincerity in entering the Sufi path, strengthens one's powers to do so, and confers a blessing upon the pupil which enables progress.
Kaynak: Universal Sufism
The priestly blessing or priestly benediction, (ברכת כהנים; translit. birkat kohanim), also known as raising of the hands (Hebrew nesiat
Kaynak: Priestly Blessing
In the Latter-day Saint movement , a patriarchal blessing (also called an evangelist's blessing) is a blessing or ordinance given by a
Kaynak: Patriarchal blessing

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