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blighter ne demek?

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"blighter" için örnek kullanımlar

According to local legend, nobody can get past the blighter then.
Yerel efsaneye göre, o zamanlar kimse herüf geçmiş alabilirsiniz.
Kaynak: thisisnorthdevon.co.uk
Giving them a submissive wave, the little blighter turned on his heel and did just that.
Onları bir itaatkâr dalgası verilmesi, küçük herüf onun topukları üzerinde döndü ve sadece yaptım.
Kaynak: thesun.co.uk
I wonder which politician or celebrity will score the first photo opportunity with the little blighter.
Ben politikacı veya ünlü küçük herüf ile ilk fotoğraf fırsat atar merak ediyorum.
Kaynak: eveningtimes.co.uk
Except, we agreed, it doesn't work just like that, because there would always be some blighter who'd let you feed your cow, and then come and nick it when he was hungry.
Anlaştığımız, dışında her zaman sizin ineği beslemek, ve sonra gelip acıkmıştı nick ona izin vermiştim bazı herüf olmazdı, çünkü, böyle sadece çalışmıyor.
Kaynak: thisiscornwall.co.uk
However, the blighter ruler he had installed is killed by rivals who wish to lead all blighters to war with the humans. AuRon comes to
Kaynak: Age of Fire
Blighter: The Complete Divine sourcebook for D&D, develops a blighter prestige class for fallen druids. The blighter can be considered the
Kaynak: Druid (Dungeons & Dragons)
sacred fist and warpriest (Defenders of the Faith ), blighter and geomancer (Masters of the Wild ), temple raider of Olidammara (Song and
Kaynak: Complete Divine
Bertie snatches it immediately and absconds to his upstairs bedroom, whereupon entering he "nearly stub s his toe on young blighter Edwin
Kaynak: Jeeves Takes Charge
B : blighter blimey blind blind date blind spot blinded blindfold blindness blinds blindside blink blinkered blinkers bliss blissful
Kaynak: List of English words of Anglo-Saxon origin
So, we had the intention of publishing a paper, but that idea was scuppered by that blighter Peter Wright, who wrote Spycatcher
Kaynak: Spycatcher
But I recollect that the poor blighter spent much of his valuable time dumping the corpse into ponds and burying it, and what not, only to
Kaynak: Eugene Aram
The boorish oaf,' I thought, 'I'll make the blighter answer.':' It is very dark, and you are too tired to talk,' I inferred,
Kaynak: Hubert Opperman

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