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body ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

body anlamı
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"body" için örnek kullanımlar

Devils: Anton Volchenkov sacrifices his body in victory over Jets.
Devils: Anton Volchenkov Jets üzerinde zafer vücudunu feda eder.
Kaynak: nj.com
The male body was discovered Monday morning next to a dumpster on Warren Avenue.
Erkek vücut Warren Caddesi üzerinde bir çöplüğü yanında Pazartesi sabahı keşfedildi.
Kaynak: myfoxboston.com
A body was found inside the rubble of the barn once the flames were extinguished.
Alevleri sönmüş bir kez bir vücut ahır moloz içinde buldu.
Kaynak: wnct.com
That body was found in the 2300 block of Plum Woods Drive.
O vücudun Erik Woods Drive 2300 blok bulundu.
Kaynak: whas11.com
With regard to living things , a body is the physical body of an individual. " "Body" often is used in connection with appearance , health
Kaynak: Body
A body is an entity or the material of a person or animal. Body or BODY may also refer to: Human body Physical body , an object in physics
Kaynak: Body (disambiguation)
Early amplified guitars employed a hollow body, but a solid body was found more suitable. Electric guitars have had a continuing profound
Kaynak: Guitar
The neck and the fretboard (2.1) extend from the body; at the neck joint (2.4), the neck is either glued or bolted to the body; the body
Kaynak: Electric guitar
A sport governing body is a sports organization that has a regulatory or sanctioning function. Sport governing bodies come in various
Kaynak: Sport governing body
The human body is the entire structure of a human organism , and consists of a head , neck , torso , two arm s and two leg s.
Kaynak: Human body
from the French fuselé "spindle-shaped") is an aircraft 's main body section that holds crew and passengers or cargo . In single-engine
Kaynak: Fuselage
Body piercing, a form of body modification , is the practice of puncturing or cutting a part of the human body, creating an opening in
Kaynak: Body piercing
Body painting, or sometimes bodypainting, is a form of body art . Unlike tattoo and other forms of body art, body painting is temporary,
Kaynak: Body painting
Message body: date November 2007 Content encoding: Email was originally designed for 7-bit ASCII Most email software is 8-bit clean but must
Kaynak: Email
A corpse, also called a cadaver in medical literary and legal usage or when intended for dissection, is a dead human body Human decay
Kaynak: Cadaver
anatomy has been characterized, over time, by a continually developing understanding of the functions of organ s and structures in the body.
Kaynak: Anatomy
A body of water or waterbody (often spelled water body) is any significant accumulation of water , usually covering the Earth or another
Kaynak: Body of water

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