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boloney ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

boloney anlamı
1) saçma
2) zırva
3) palavra
4) iri salam

"boloney" için örnek kullanımlar

Bologna sausage (bəˈloʊnjə or bəˈloʊni |), also known as boloney, baloney or polony, is a sausage derived from and somewhat similar to the
Kaynak: Bologna sausage
It is similar in appearance and taste to boloney and the cooked pork sausage known in Australia as Berliner. In Hungary , it is called "
Kaynak: Devon (sausage)
annoys Yakko, Wakko, and Dot in Chairman of the Bored with a very long story involving boloney and cheeseball sandwiches and Bob Barker .
Kaynak: List of Animaniacs characters

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