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bothersome ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

bothersome anlamı
1) can sıkıcı
2) tedirgin

"bothersome" için örnek kullanımlar

He says the population of student residents is becoming more bothersome.
O öğrenci sakinlerinin nüfus daha rahatsız edici hale geliyor diyor.
Kaynak: shipnc.com
Yes, Obama would probably find this more bothersome than would Republicans.
Evet, Obama muhtemelen olurdu Cumhuriyetçiler daha bu daha rahatsız edici bulur.
Kaynak: nymag.com
Mr. Burkhart's office window was open and the noise was becoming bothersome.
Bay Burkhart ofisinde pencere açık ve gürültü rahatsız edici olmaya başlamıştı.
Kaynak: toledoblade.com
Mut and Merloni talk about David Ortiz and his bothersome Achilles.
Mut ve Merloni David Ortiz ve onun rahatsız Aşil hakkında konuşmak.
Kaynak: audio.weei.com
Irritation also has non-clinical usages referring to bothersome physical or psychological pain or discomfort. Chronic irritation is a
Kaynak: Irritation
Fasciculations are commonly encountered in healthy people and are rarely bothersome. In some cases the presence of fasciculations can be
Kaynak: Fasciculation
a peace offering from Charlemagne in a perilous situation, not losing his face and preventing Charlemagne from continuing a bothersome war.
Kaynak: Saxon Wars
outdoor merchants and shop keepers, especially in summer when flies become bothersome. Those have a wooden handle and plant fibers
Kaynak: Fly-whisk
Meldrew is a foil for the bothersome aspects of children, cars, animals, power cuts or next-door neighbours (his particular example being
Kaynak: Victor Meldrew
Methomyl is the active ingredient in commercial fly bait granules which are mixed with a cola drink to illegally kill bothersome raccoon
Kaynak: Methomyl
known for "serving up a smorgasbord of curmudgeonly critiques about rubes and all else bothersome to the Queen of Mean", as the magazine put it.
Kaynak: Florence King
therefore relieving the patient of bothersome vertigo It is often performed by a doctor, chiropractor, occupational therapist or physical
Kaynak: Epley maneuver
accident was staged by the German occupants who wanted to remove a bothersome minister Professor Gunnar Skirbekk quotes German intelligence
Kaynak: Gulbrand Lunde
In this clinical situation the vertical imbalance is often less symptomatically bothersome to the patient than the induced excyclotorsion
Kaynak: Harada–Ito procedure
just rugged guitar riffs and lyrics about the more bothersome aspects of romance Their music was influenced by classic rock such as Led
Kaynak: The Aquanettas
High German term "trefs", referring to a "weed," and in some context of a person, a "good for nothing" or an "over-bearing, bothersome person."
Kaynak: Trefzger
These ghosts are particularly bothersome since they move and behave like the normal targets (which they echo), and so the receiver has
Kaynak: Multipath propagation
As a young knight, he deeply loves the maiden Ettarre who finds his youthful shyness and stammering bothersome and does not return his
Kaynak: Pelleas
The claims of the holdouts may be insignificant enough, and bothersome enough, that the issuer may satisfy them in whole simply not to be
Kaynak: Holdout problem
Henry the younger reported from his Pembina Post in 1897 that when Ozaawindib was drunk, "he was not merely a nuisance but a bothersome man
Kaynak: Ozaawindib
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