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bugger ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

bugger anlamı
1) herif
2) alçak herif
3) oğlancı
4) kulampara
5) tip
1) bozmak
2) mahvetmek
3) oğlancılık etmek
4) sinirlendirmek
5) öfkelendirmek

"bugger" için örnek kullanımlar

He might have been mortified that little bugger, but I was delighted.
O küçük haylaz mahcup olabilir, ama ben sevindi.
Kaynak: nzherald.co.nz
But now, I'm glad I stuck to it and found the bugger that was giving me issues.
Ama şimdi, ben bunu sıkışmış ve bana sorunları veriyordu bugger bulduğuna sevindim.
Kaynak: gamedev.net
That'll tell us if the little bugger will sleep through the night!
Küçük haylaz gece boyunca uyku olacaktır eğer O bize olacak!
Kaynak: perezhilton.com
YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! Bugger, where did I put the tissues?!
YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!! Kahretsin, nereye dokuların koydun?!
Kaynak: pocketgamer.co.uk
An often successful tactic is to pull a streamer such as a woolly bugger using clear sinking line, behind the watercraft. The somewhat
Kaynak: Fly fishing
org/wiki/bugger_all bugger all" backwards). They include Mrs Ogmore-Pritchard, relentlessly nagging her two dead husbands; Captain Cat,
Kaynak: Under Milk Wood
Ender had just destroyed the homeworld of the buggers, which contained all the queens (and therefore the entire mind) of the bugger
Kaynak: List of International Fleet personnel
Eros later becomes the staging area for early human colonies being sent out to colonize the vacant bugger colony worlds. Ender Wiggin is
Kaynak: List of Ender's Game series planets
Buggering bugger, buggered bugger,Bugger to the supreme degree,Hairy bugger and feathered bugger,Bugger in large and small volume,Bugger
Kaynak: Libelle (literary genre)

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