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burden ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

burden anlamı
1) yük
2) sorumluluk
3) zorunluluk
4) yük taşıma
5) nakarat
6) tonaj
7) ana fikir
1) yüklemek
2) sırtına yüklemek

"burden" için örnek kullanımlar

Coming back to SUV tax, clearly 3 percent tax is a fair amount of burden.
SUV vergi geri dönersek, açıkça yüzde 3 vergi yükünün adil bir miktar olduğunu.
Kaynak: moneycontrol.com
Lapid, Bennett campaign to 'share the burden' emboldening Haredi hardliners.
Lapid, emboldening Haredi muhafazakarlar 'yükünü paylaşmak' için Bennett kampanyası.
Kaynak: haaretz.com
Volumes don't justify new CDS regulation burden, says MarketAxess.
Hacimler yeni CDS düzenleme yükü haklı değilsiniz, MarketAxess diyor.
Kaynak: creditflux.com
Nonprofit lifts financial burden off Durham woman's shoulders.
Durham kadının omuzları kapalı Kar kaldırıcı mali yük.
Kaynak: wnct.com
The burden of proof (onus probandi) is the obligation to shift the accepted conclusion away from an oppositional opinion to one's own
Kaynak: Legal burden of proof
Tax incidence is said to "fall" upon the group that ultimately bears the burden of, or ultimately has to pay, the tax. or tax burden does
Kaynak: Tax incidence
In music , the burden is an archaic term for the drone or bass in some musical instruments, and the pipe or part that plays it, such as a
Kaynak: Burden (music)
Burden of proof may refer to: Legal burden of proof Philosophical burden of proof Scientific burden of evidence The Burden of Proof , a
Kaynak: Burden of proof
Disease burden is the impact of a health problem on an area measured by financial cost , mortality , morbidity , or other indicators.
Kaynak: Disease burden
The White Man's Burden” is a poem by the English poet Rudyard Kipling . "white man's burden" as a characterization for imperialism that
Kaynak: The White Man's Burden

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