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caliph ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

caliph anlamı
1) halife

"caliph" için örnek kullanımlar

So we went to see the sister of Caliph and she was surprised at my plan.
Bu yüzden Halife ablamı görmek için gittim ve o benim planı şaşırdı.
Kaynak: spyghana.com
Islam once had a caliph, who similarly combined political and religious leadership.
İslam bir kez benzer siyasi ve dini liderlik kombine bir halife vardı.
Kaynak: chicagotribune.com
Ali was passed over thrice and became only the fourth caliph.
Ali üç kez geçti ve sadece dördüncü halife oldu.
Kaynak: thestar.com
We can't endorse Karzai as the caliph of Afghanistan.
Biz Afganistan'ın halife olarak Karzai'nin kabul edemeyiz.
Kaynak: thefridaytimes.com
The Rightly Guided Caliphs or The Righteous Caliphs. Arabic | الخلفاء الراشدون ar | al-Khulafā'u r-Rāshidūn the first four caliph s after the
Kaynak: Rashidun
Hilafet) is an Islamic state led by a supreme religious as well as political leader known as a caliph (meaning literally a successor, i.e.
Kaynak: Caliphate
It was ruled by the Abbasid dynasty of caliph s, who built their capital in Baghdad after overthrowing the Umayyad caliphate from all
Kaynak: Abbasid Caliphate
632–661) is the collective term comprising the first four caliph s in Islam 's history, was founded after Muhammad 's death in 632 (Year
Kaynak: Rashidun Caliphate
II , who lost the Sultanate , kept the Caliph position for a couple of years, but with Atatürk 's reforms, the caliph position was abolished.
Kaynak: Ottoman Caliphate
Possession of the Haramayn was an indispensable condition for any caliph According to The Times , Mehmed VI , the last Ottoman sultan and
Kaynak: Sharifian Caliphate

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