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calorimeter ne demek?

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calorimeter anlamı
1) kalorimetre
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"calorimeter" için örnek kullanımlar

NASA engineers fabricate a nanolaunch injector and calorimeter as an engineering test piece for the Space Launch System.
NASA mühendisleri Uzaya Fırlatma Sistemi için bir mühendislik test parçası olarak nanolaunch enjektör ve kalorimetre imal.
Kaynak: mashable.com
The calorie composition of foods is determined by burning them in a calorimeter and measuring the amount of heat produced.
Gıdaların kalori bileşim bir kalorimetre yakarak ve üretilen ısı miktarının ölçülmesi ile belirlenir.
Kaynak: selbytimes.co.uk
They locked their 16 test subjects, one by one, in a calorimeter room, which measures every bit of energy that a person burns.
Onlar enerji her bit bir kişi yanıklar ölçen kalorimetre salonunda 16 denek, tek tek, kilitli.
Kaynak: npr.org
Large array differential scanning calorimeter, DSC measuring unit, patent No. 8,388,220, invented by Edwin A. Lewis of Starkville, Miss.
Geniş bir dizi diferansiyel, DSC biriminin Starkville, Miss Edwin A. Lewis tarafından icat patent No 8388220, kalorimetre taraması
Kaynak: sltrib.com
A calorimeter (from Latin calor, meaning heat ) is an object used for calorimetry , or the process of measuring the heat of chemical
Kaynak: Calorimeter
In particle physics , a calorimeter is an experimental apparatus that measures the energy of particles . particles enter the calorimeter
Kaynak: Calorimeter (particle physics)
A calorimeter constant (denoted C cal) is a constant that quantifies the heat capacity of a calorimeter . heat to the calorimeter and
Kaynak: Calorimeter constant
A cone calorimeter is a modern device used to study the fire behavior of small samples of various materials in condensed phase.
Kaynak: Cone calorimeter
A reaction calorimeter is an instrument that measures the amount of energy released or absorbed by a reaction . These measurements
Kaynak: Reaction calorimeter
CASTOR (Centauro And Strange Object Research is a electromagnetic (EM) and hadronic (HAD) calorimeter of the CMS experiment at CERN .
Kaynak: CASTOR calorimeter
Calorimetry is performed with a calorimeter . The word calorimetry is derived from the Latin word calor, meaning heat and the Greek word
Kaynak: Calorimetry
The first adiabatic differential scanning calorimeter that could be used in biochemistry was developed by P.L. Privalov and D.R.
Kaynak: Differential scanning calorimetry
There are two basic calorimeter systems: an inner electromagnetic calorimeter and an outer hadronic calorimeter Both are sampling
Kaynak: ATLAS experiment
Not to be confused with a calorimeter . date May 2010 A colorimeter is a device used in colorimetry . In scientific fields the word
Kaynak: Colorimeter (chemistry)
Phase change calorimeter's energy value divided by absolute temperature give the entropy exchanged. Phase changes produce no entropy and
Kaynak: Measuring instrument
The ZEUS detector comprised many components, including a depleted uranium plastic- scintillator calorimeter , a central tracking detector
Kaynak: ZEUS (particle detector)

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