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Cambodian ne demek?

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Cambodian anlamı
1) Kamboçyalı
1) Kamboçyalı

"Cambodian" için örnek kullanımlar

The bird flu has claimed the life of a Cambodian toddler.
Kuş gribi bir Kamboçyalı bebek hayatını iddia etti.
Kaynak: inquisitr.com
A KIDDERMINSTER nurse is holding a fashion event to raise money for a Cambodian orphanage.
Bir KIDDERMINSTER hemşire Kamboçyalı bir yetimhane için para toplamak için bir moda etkinliği düzenliyor.
Kaynak: kidderminstershuttle.co.uk
A Crieff schoolgirl has been chosen to spend a gap year helping underprivileged children in a Cambodian orphanage.
Bir Crieff schoolgirl Kamboçyalı bir yetimhanede kimsesiz çocuklara yardım bir boşluk yıl geçirmek için seçildi.
Kaynak: strathearnherald.co.uk
Cambodian may refer to: Something of, from, or related to the country of Cambodia . For information about the Cambodian people, see:
Kaynak: Cambodian
The official religion is Theravada Buddhism , which is practiced by approximately 95% of the Cambodian population. The country's minority
Kaynak: Cambodia
or Cambodian, is the language of the Khmer people and the official language of Cambodia . It is the second most widely spoken
Kaynak: Khmer language
A Cambodian American is an American who is born, raised, or from Cambodia usually of Khmer descent but also including Chinese Cambodian s
Kaynak: Cambodian American
Although Cambodian kingdoms waxed and waned and were eventually eclipsed, the Cambodian penchant for building temples of stone throughout
Kaynak: Khmer people
Cambodian Canadians are Cambodian citizens living in Canada with Cambodian origin or descent. of Cambodian Canadians living inside Canada
Kaynak: Cambodian Canadian
deaths during the rule of the Khmer Rouge are often considered a genocide , and commonly known as the Cambodian Holocaust or Cambodian Genocide.
Kaynak: Khmer Rouge rule of Cambodia
One film from this time was Dan Prean Lbas Prich, or Footprints of the Hunter, made by off-duty Cambodian military personnel using
Kaynak: Cinema of Cambodia
It was established in 1863 when the Cambodian King Norodom requested the establishment of a French protectorate over his country.
Kaynak: French Protectorate of Cambodia
Cambodian names usually consist of two elements, a familyname, given first, and then a given name (In Western sources the two are sometimes
Kaynak: Cambodian name
The current Prime Minister is Cambodian People's Party (CPP) member Hun Sen . He has held this position since the criticized 1998
Kaynak: Politics of Cambodia
Chinese and Vietnamese houses in Cambodian town and villages typically are built directly on the ground and have earthen, cement, or tile
Kaynak: Khmer architecture
According to the survey, Cambodian women want about three children, on average. Ideal family size is slightly higher among women in rural
Kaynak: Demographics of Cambodia
Cambodian Art music is highly influenced by ancient forms as well as Hindu forms. Religious dancing , many of which depict stories and
Kaynak: Music of Cambodia
The Cambodian Campaign (also known as the Cambodian Incursion) was a series of military operations conducted in eastern Cambodia during
Kaynak: Cambodian Campaign
The Cambodian People's Party (Khmer : គណបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា, Kanakpak Pracheachun Kâmpuchéa) is the current ruling party of Cambodia .
Kaynak: Cambodian People's Party

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