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carefulness ne demek?

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carefulness anlamı
1) dikkat
2) dikkatlilik

"carefulness" için örnek kullanımlar

According to him, Georgia now needs special carefulness and regional coordination.
Ona göre, Gürcistan şimdi özel dikkat ve bölgesel koordinasyon ihtiyacı var.
Kaynak: georgiaonline.ge
This time, Mr. Abe is acting with the determined carefulness of a man given a second chance.
Bu sefer, Bay Abe ikinci bir şans verilen bir adamın belirlenen titizliği ile davranmaktadır.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
The chief of Nida Poll gave credit to his interviewers for carefulness in vetting its sampling.
Nida Anket şefi kendi örnekleme incelemelere dikkatlilik onun görüşmeci için kredi verdi.
Kaynak: nationmultimedia.com
Disparagement is particularly unfair, though, because the book is a model of carefulness, sobriety and reason.
Kitap dikkatlilik, itidal ve aklın bir model olduğundan kötüleme, olsa da, özellikle haksız olduğunu.
Kaynak: evolutionnews.org
and systematic It includes such elements as self-discipline , carefulness, thoroughness, self-organization , wikt:deliberate |
Kaynak: Conscientiousness
The gloves are considered symbolic of purity, the performance of good works and carefulness in procedure. Use: The Caeremoniale Episcoporum ,
Kaynak: Episcopal gloves
He plays with characteristic Scotch carefulness, for he is of Scotch descent. Of medium height, he is inclined to stoutness, and is of
Kaynak: David Graham Baird
He was described as a pious and gentle man who undertook his work with carefulness. There is said to be nothing extraordinary about him.
Kaynak: Magnus Beronius
He plays with characteristic Scotch carefulness, for he is of Scotch descent. Of medium height, he is inclined to stoutness, and is of
Kaynak: John Washington Baird
who praised the carefulness and clarity of style of Vastovius A 20th century Swedish historian and philologist, on the other hand, has
Kaynak: Johannes Vastovius
"prudence, care") was the son of Erebus and Nyx he was the daimon or spirit of prudence, shrewdness, thoughtfulness, carefulness and sagacity.
Kaynak: Epiphron
A caring attitude (bag-yod, carefulness) is a subsidiary awareness that, while remaining in a state of detachment, imperturbability, lack
Kaynak: Apramada
soul Hence, the scriptures advise carefulness in actions, awareness of the world, and purity in thoughts as means to avoid the burden of karma
Kaynak: Karma in Jainism
Grammar for Schools and Colleges, founded on Comparative Grammar, by Joseph A. Allen and James B. Greenough, a work of great critical carefulness.
Kaynak: James B. Greenough
Now speaking perfect French, he apologized for his necessary carefulness in dangerous country. Rawlinson reported his meeting to McNeill
Kaynak: Jan Prosper Witkiewicz
Straight arrows – These are halfway between complete confidence and anxiety, and extreme carefulness and impetuousness. See also
Kaynak: Bielard, Biehl and Kaiser five-way model
The twenty-two chapters on our chief song birds show the minute carefulness and accuracy of Evans's powers of observation. Besides this he
Kaynak: William Edward Evans
The Law, he says, leads to carefulness; carefulness, to diligence; diligence, to cleanliness; cleanliness, to retirement; retirement, to
Kaynak: Phinehas ben Jair
This name came about in comparison to the famous Italian physican Michele Ferrari This was because of his carefulness compared to the
Kaynak: Eric Rijkaert
He heeded his mother's teachings and became known for his honesty and carefulness. At some point, because the character of his name Ye (曄
Kaynak: Cui Xuanwei
an accusation that Pei was plotting treason, but Emperor Daizong knew of his carefulness and faithfulness and took no heed of the accusation.
Kaynak: Pei Zunqing
standards maintained by the CHM are addressed directly in Scripture, while some are maintained out of an attitude of carefulness towards God.
Kaynak: Conservative holiness movement

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