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causality ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

causality anlamı
1) nedensellik
2) nedensellik ilkesi
3) nedensel ilişki

"causality" için örnek kullanımlar

One of the toughest things after a disaster is calculating causality losses.
Bir afet sonrası en zor şeylerden biri de nedensellik kayıpları hesaplaması yapmaktadır.
Kaynak: wnyc.org
Yes, they are heroes, but perhaps also because of the clear causality.
Evet, çünkü açık bir nedensellik de belki kahramanlar vardır, ama.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
A troublesome concept called "causality" throws a spanner in this suggestion.
"Nedensellik" olarak adlandırılan sorunlu kavram bu öneriyi bir anahtar atar.
Kaynak: boingboing.net
His history was a sieve that held no meaning, no sense of causality.
Onun geçmişi hiçbir anlam, nedensellik hiçbir anlamda yapılan elek oldu.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
.the succinct formula state s baldly that the secret of the universe lies in the nature of causality—the way one thing leads to another."
Kaynak: Pratītyasamutpāda
Physics involving special relativity or general relativity require more careful definitions of causality, as described elaborately in
Kaynak: Causal system
experiment of how faster-than-light signals can lead to a paradox of causality , which was described by Einstein and Arnold Sommerfeld in
Kaynak: Tachyonic antitelephone
A causality loop can refer to the following: A temporal causality loop, or predestination paradox , more commonly referred to as a causality
Kaynak: Causality loop
The Granger causality test is a statistical hypothesis test for determining whether one time series is useful in forecasting another
Kaynak: Granger causality
In the study of Lorentzian manifold spacetime s there exists a hierarchy of causality conditions which are important in proving
Kaynak: Causality conditions
Bogoliubov causality condition is a causality condition for scattering matrix (S-matrix) in axiomatic quantum field theory .
Kaynak: Bogoliubov causality condition
Any theory that would allow time travel would introduce potential problems of causality . a problem involving causality is the "grandfather
Kaynak: Time travel
A number of authors have published papers disputing Nimtz's claim that Einstein causality is violated by his experiments, and there are
Kaynak: Faster-than-light
The causality violating set is the set of points through which closed causal curves pass. For a causal curve gamma, the causal diamond is
Kaynak: Causal structure
A few go further and calculate the likelihood of a true causal relationship; examples are the Granger causality test and convergent cross
Kaynak: Correlation does not imply causation
While determinism usually refers to a naturalistically explainable causality of events, predeterminism seems by definition to suggest a
Kaynak: Free will
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