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cavalryman ne demek?

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cavalryman anlamı
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"cavalryman" için örnek kullanımlar

Forrest was a slave trader, Confederate cavalryman and member of the earliest Klan organization.
Forrest köle tüccarı, erken Klan örgütünün Konfederasyon süvari ve üyesiydi.
Kaynak: examiner.com
A British definition of dragoon was a mounted infantryman armed with a short musket, also called a cavalryman.
Dragoon bir İngiliz tanımının da bir süvari olarak adlandırılan kısa bir tüfek ile silahlı bir monte piyade idi.
Kaynak: beta.effinghamherald.net
The name change angered fans of Forrest, a slave trader, Confederate cavalryman and member of the first version of the Klan.
Isim değişikliği Forrest, bir köle tüccarı, Konfederasyon süvari ve Klan ilk versiyonunun üyesinin hayranları kızdırdı.
Kaynak: sunherald.com
A soldier in the cavalry is known by a number of designations such as cavalryman, horseman or trooper. The designation of cavalry was not
Kaynak: Cavalry
Towarzysz pancerny ("armoured companion"; plural: towarzysze pancerni, or pancerni ) was a medium-cavalryman in 16th-18th century Poland ,
Kaynak: Towarzysz pancerny
Thomas Henry Hines (October 8, 1838 – January 23, 1898) was a Confederate cavalryman who was known for his spying activities during the
Kaynak: Thomas Hines
Capitaine Jean Georges Fernand Matton was a World War I cavalryman and flying ace . He was credited with nine confirmed and two
Kaynak: Jean Matton
Edward McGarry (soldier-politician), American cavalryman and California legislator. Edward McGarry (Wisconsin politician), Wisconsin
Kaynak: Edward McGarry
John S. Mosby (1833–1916), Confederate cavalryman and partisan who fought during the American Civil War. The Gray Ghost (TV series), a
Kaynak: Gray Ghost
Lieutenant Julien Anatole Guertiau was a cavalryman turned aviator who became a flying ace during World War I. He was credited with eight
Kaynak: Julien Guertiau
At the beginning of the game these are the clerk, staff officer, highway, spiritual monk, and cavalryman. Range pieces : Many pieces can move
Kaynak: Ko shogi
intended for personal carry include the Patton saber adopted by the United States Army in 1913 and always mounted to the cavalryman's saddle.
Kaynak: Sabre
By extension, the term petronel was also used to describe the type of light cavalryman who employed the firearm. (cavalryman) was used to
Kaynak: Petronel
infantry version had a long point, versions carried by the cavalry had a rounded tip that prevented accidental stabbing of the cavalryman's foot.
Kaynak: Spatha
Karl Heinrich Bergius (1790–1818), also known as Carl Heinrich Bergius, was a Prussian botanist , naturalist , cavalryman and pharmacist
Kaynak: Karl Heinrich Bergius
almost always a professional warrior in the sense of being well-trained in the use of arms, who served as a fully armoured heavy cavalryman.
Kaynak: Man-at-arms
The novel follows two days in the life of Captain Richard, an unemployed ex- cavalryman who feels lost in a world that has become more
Kaynak: The Glass Bees
October 26, 1973) was a Soviet cavalryman, military commander, politician and a close ally of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin . Early life
Kaynak: Semyon Budyonny

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