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cavernous ne demek?

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"cavernous" için örnek kullanımlar

But neither is it the dreary, cavernous, pitiable hulk of a place it once was.
Ama ne o zamanlar oldu, bir yerde o kasvetli, kavernöz, acınacak hulk olduğunu.
Kaynak: azcentral.com
Even with those tweaks, Petco remains an extremely spacious venue, simply less cavernous.
Hatta bu tweaks ile, Petco, son derece geniş bir mekan kalır sadece daha az kavernöz.
Kaynak: espn.go.com
Evergreen Space Museum: Rockets, boosters and space crafts accentuate the cavernous space.
Evergreen Uzay Müzesi: Roketler, güçlendiriciler ve uzay araçlarını kavernöz boşluk vurgular.
Kaynak: oregonlive.com
Alas, the Richmond Coliseum is as cavernous as ever, with a capacity of nearly 12,000 for basketball.
Ne yazık ki, Richmond Kolezyum basketbol için yaklaşık 12.000 kapasiteli, her zamanki gibi kavernöz olduğunu.
Kaynak: hamptonroads.com
The cavernous sinus (or lateral sellar compartment), within the human head, is a large collection of thin-walled vein s creating a cavity
Kaynak: Cavernous sinus
Lymphangiomas have traditionally been classified into three subtypes: capillary and cavernous lymphangiomas and cystic hygroma .
Kaynak: Lymphangioma
Cavernous portion can refer to: Cavernous part of internal carotid artery Spongy urethra (also known as "cavernous portion")-
Kaynak: Cavernous portion
Cavernous sinus thrombosis (CST) is the formation of a blood clot within the cavernous sinus , a cavity at the base of the brain which
Kaynak: Cavernous sinus thrombosis
The cavernous nerve plexus is situated below and medial to that part of the internal carotid artery which is placed by the side of the
Kaynak: Cavernous nerve plexus
A carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF) results from an abnormal communication between the arterial and venous systems within the cavernous sinus
Kaynak: Carotid-cavernous fistula
The Cavernous Portion of internal carotid artery .— dura mater forming the cavernous sinus , but covered by the lining membrane of the sinus.
Kaynak: Cavernous part of internal carotid artery
Central nervous system cavernous hemangioma is a cavernous hemangioma that arises in the central nervous system (CNS). It can be
Kaynak: Central nervous system cavernous hemangioma
Honeycomb weathering, also known as fretting, cavernous weathering, alveoli/alveolar weathering, stone lattice, stone lace or miniature
Kaynak: Honeycomb weathering
The spongy urethra (cavernous portion of urethra, penile urethra) is the longest part of the male urethra , and is contained in the
Kaynak: Spongy urethra
Terminologia Anatomica in 1998 subdivided the artery into four parts: "cervical", "petrous", "cavernous", and "cerebral However, in
Kaynak: Internal carotid artery
thought to be, and often assumed to be, associated with inflammation of the areas behind the eyes (cavernous sinus and superior orbital fissure ).
Kaynak: Tolosa–Hunt syndrome
The ophthalmic artery (OA) is the first branch of the internal carotid artery distal to the cavernous sinus . Branches of the OA supply
Kaynak: Ophthalmic artery

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