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censorious ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

censorious anlamı
1) tenkitçi
2) devamlı kusur bulan
3) eleştirici

"censorious" için örnek kullanımlar

He presides over the capital city of a censorious nation.
O bir tenkitçi ulusun başkenti başkanlık eder.
Kaynak: theatlantic.com
When it comes to freely expressing ourselves, Canadians live in perilous and censorious times.
Serbestçe kendimizi ifade gelince, Kanadalılar tehlikeli ve tenkitçi zamanlarda yaşıyoruz.
Kaynak: lfpress.com
Clearly to expect censorious behaviour from one paper, not to mention several, is unrealistic.
Açıkçası, birkaç söz değil, bir kağıt tenkitçi davranış beklemek gerçekçi olduğu.
Kaynak: cherwell.org
It would be an error to see corruption as the main problem and censorious probity as the only possible attitude in politics.
Bu politikada tek olası tutum olarak temel sorun ve tenkitçi dürüstlüğü olarak yolsuzluk görmek bir hata olacaktır.
Kaynak: montrealgazette.com
Restoration period under Charles II and James II to a more moral and censorious attitude of respectability and seriousness under William and Mary .
Kaynak: Society for the Reformation of Manners
On the other hand literature often reflects social mores: the tale is censorious of the king's conduct which may well reflect the attitude
Kaynak: King Neferkare and General Sasenet
The Grand Guignol experiment ended in 1922 when Levy met with interference from England's censorious Lord Chamberlain 's Department.
Kaynak: Jose Levy
Another complaint by active users was the censorious attitude of the site's official moderators - a feature that is absent from other
Kaynak: Grono.net
In a censorious political atmosphere, and due to the attention that his socially critical and provocative art attracted, he found it
Kaynak: Avgust Černigoj
something done when moving around, with the ties removed on arrival, or the prevalence of the habit may be exaggerated by censorious commentators.
Kaynak: Crakow (shoe)
film began a tour of venues across Britain and was dogged by similar censorious events in a number of towns and cities in what appeared to
Kaynak: On the Verge (film)
Cain responded by referring to members of the AWA as "reactionary, almost incomprehensibly censorious. In September 1946, a group of 50
Kaynak: American Writers Association
Fraser adds, ‘Let us not be too censorious about passages like these. They are careless, of course, but they add to the gaiety of life.
Kaynak: Bruce Fraser (civil servant)
com/seven/05072007/postopinion/editorials/the_censorious_shelly_silver_editorials_.htm | title Editorial: The Censorious Shelly Silver |
Kaynak: Mike Cole
supportive of Holmes' goals although commentators in the Telegraph and New Statesman criticized the campaign, calling it "censorious" and "sinister
Kaynak: Page Three
"Censorship is always very personal," replied Cronenberg, "and has very much to do with the sensibility of the one who is being censorious."
Kaynak: Videodrome
They returned as "Standards and Practices", a censorious duo who opposed the "adult themes" present in WCW. In a drastic departure from
Kaynak: Lenny and Lodi
This scenario is pretty daring considering the conservative and censorious attitudes of that period. The landlady provides a play to the
Kaynak: Young and Willing

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