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centripetal ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

centripetal anlamı
1) merkezcil
2) merkeze doğru olan

"centripetal" için örnek kullanımlar

The demand of autonomy in turn exerts and creates centripetal forces on a couple.
Sırayla özerklik talebi bir çift merkezcil kuvvetler uygular ve oluşturur.
Kaynak: haaretz.com
Doktor Kaboom will be explaining the difference between centripetal force and centrifugal force.
Doktor Kaboom merkezcil kuvvet ve merkezkaç kuvveti arasındaki farkı açıklamak olacaktır.
Kaynak: king5.com
In all this, a leader who could be the centripetal force doesn't appear on the national horizon.
Tüm bunları gerçekleştirirken, merkezcil kuvvet olabilir lider ulusal ufukta görünmüyor.
Kaynak: thenews.com.pk
Swiss photographer Fabian Oefner's "Black Hole" series shows "paint modeled by centripetal force."
İsviçreli fotoğrafçı Fabian Oefner "Black Hole" serisi "merkezcil kuvvet ile modellenen boyayın." Gösterir
Kaynak: dvice.com
Tangential and centripetal acceleration: File:Oscillating pendulum. both tangential and centripetal acceleration. File:Acceleration components.
Kaynak: Acceleration
In physics , the history of centrifugal and centripetal forces illustrates a long and complex evolution of thought about the nature of force
Kaynak: History of centrifugal and centripetal forces
or in terms of the centripetal and reactive centrifugal forces seen from a non-rotating frame of reference ; these different forces are
Kaynak: Centrifugal force
Since the object's velocity vector is constantly changing direction, the moving object is undergoing acceleration by a centripetal force
Kaynak: Circular motion
In classical mechanics , reactive centrifugal force is the reaction paired with centripetal force . A mass undergoing circular motion
Kaynak: Reactive centrifugal force
A centrifuge relies on the principles of centripetal force accelerating molecules so that particles of different masses are physically
Kaynak: Gas centrifuge
This inward acceleration is called centripetal acceleration and requires a centripetal force to maintain the circular motion.
Kaynak: Fictitious force
The Tesla turbine is a bladeless centripetal flow turbine patent ed by Nikola Tesla in 1913. It is referred to as a bladeless turbine
Kaynak: Tesla turbine
rotation on the Earth's axis, and therefore recognisable as the centripetal force that will keep the star in a circular movement around that axis.
Kaynak: Coriolis effect
Theorem 1 demonstrates that where an orbiting body is subject only to a centripetal force, it follows that a radius vector, drawn from the
Kaynak: De motu corporum in gyrum
Centrifugal force should not be confused with centripetal force or the reactive centrifugal force , both of which are real forces
Kaynak: Centrifugal force (rotating reference frame)
A vehicle's motion at speed v along a circular path embodies centripetal acceleration of magnitude v 2/R toward the center of the circle,
Kaynak: Cant deficiency
The amount of centripetal force required to cause an object to move along a circular path with a radius of 6378 kilometer (the Earth's
Kaynak: Eötvös effect
This must be large enough to provide the centripetal force , a relationship which can be expressed as an inequality, assuming the car is
Kaynak: Banked turn

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