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ceramic ne demek?

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"ceramic" için örnek kullanımlar

Watkins has a background in ceramic process development.
Watkins seramik süreç geliştirme bir geçmişe sahiptir.
Kaynak: dailylocal.com
One of his children, Mohammad Iqbal is a ceramic artist.
Onun çocukları biri, Muhammed İkbal bir seramik sanatçısı.
Kaynak: thestar.com.my
Last year, her ceramic jewelry was chosen to be showcased in a nationally known location: Whol
Geçen yıl, onu seramik takı tanınan bir yerde sergilenecek seçildi: Whol
Kaynak: recordonline.com
An international exhibition of ceramic industry 'IC 2013' will be held at in Ahmedabad from 19 to 21 March.
Seramik endüstrisi 'IC 2013' uluslararası bir sergi 19 21 Mart Ahmedabad yapılacaktır.
Kaynak: business-standard.com
A ceramic is an inorganic , nonmetal lic solid prepared by the action of heat and subsequent cooling Ceramic materials may have a
Kaynak: Ceramic
In art history , ceramics and ceramic art mean art objects such as figures, tile s, and tableware made from clay and other raw materials
Kaynak: Ceramic art
A ceramic capacitor is a fixed value capacitor with the ceramic material acting as the dielectric . alternating layers of ceramic and a
Kaynak: Ceramic capacitor
The definition of pottery used by ASTM is "all fired ceramic wares that contain clay when formed, except technical, structural, and
Kaynak: Pottery
Chinese ceramic ware shows a continuous development since the pre-dynastic periods, and is one of the most significant forms of Chinese art
Kaynak: Chinese ceramics
Ferrites are chemical compound s consisting of ceramic materials with iron(III) oxide (Fe 2 O 3) as their principal component Many of
Kaynak: Ferrite (magnet)
Ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) are a subgroup of composite material s as well as a subgroup of technical ceramics . consist of ceramic
Kaynak: Ceramic matrix composite
Celadon is a term for ceramic s denoting both a type of glaze and a ware of celadon (color). This type of ware was invented in ancient
Kaynak: Celadon
A ceramic knife is a knife made out of very hard and tough ceramic , often zirconium dioxide (ZrO 2; also known as zirconia).
Kaynak: Ceramic knife
Ceramic, or ferrite , magnets are made of a sintered composite of powdered iron oxide and barium/strontium carbonate ceramic .
Kaynak: Magnet
Ceramic mobiles, nativity scene s, and animal figurines are popular, especially ceramic horses, which have been the symbol of Colombian
Kaynak: Ceramics of indigenous peoples of the Americas
Ceramic: A ceramic pin grid array (CPGA) is a type of packaging used by integrated circuits . This type of packaging uses a ceramic
Kaynak: Pin grid array
Ceramography is the art and science of preparation, examination and evaluation of ceramic microstructure s Ceramography can be thought of
Kaynak: Ceramography
Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) is a zirconium-oxide based ceramic, in which the particular crystal structure of zirconium oxide is made
Kaynak: Yttria-stabilized zirconia
and fabrics were made for more local distribution in Egypt, which had its own very active and diverse ceramic traditions in the Roman period.
Kaynak: Ancient Roman pottery
A honing steel is a rod made of steel or ceramic, generally about 30 cm (1 foot) long (although can be longer) and 6 mm to 12 mm (¼ to ½
Kaynak: Kitchen knife
To begin creating a ceramic vessel the Maya had to locate the proper resources for clay and temper . The present-day indigenous Maya,
Kaynak: Maya ceramics

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